Saturday, January 29, 2011

On the fast track to the future*

housing fair.
fliers, pamphlets, candy.
change mind.
square one.
more research.

We've finally found a place that we all feel good about!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


That is how I feel every time I pass a car stuck on the side of the road. I seriously feel like it is my personal obligation to stop and help them because I have a warm, functional car to ride in while they are stranded. If I was in their position, I would need help.

But I never stop. Because really, there is absolutely nothing I could possibly do. I just drive by with the rest of the cars on the road and I feel so bad.

On the first day of class I was walking along, just doing my own thing, headed toward the TSC. This lady came out of the building and it was obvious that she was blind. One, because she was carrying a blind person stick. But listen to this. Usually blind people have this unnatural sense of direction OR they have someone to guide them. This lady had neither.

So I watched as she first ran into the brick wall, then the snow, then the bench. Every time she would run into something, she would just quickly turn like 45 degrees and proceed at the same fast pace.

I thought to myself, "What the crap, she has no idea where she is going!"

As I passed her, heading toward the TSC door, I suddenly pictured the car I passed at the side of the road last night. BAAAHHHH.


So I turned around, as my conscious directed me, and said to the lady, "Can I help you get somewhere?"

No response.

Maybe she doesn't know I'm talking to her? Because, after all, she cannot see that I am looking at her.

So I tapped her arm and said, "Mam? Do you need help getting somewhere?"

Absolutely NO response! Sooooo. . . she was blind and deaf?!

I have no idea.

But let me tell you, it was quite the awkward rejection. I felt stupid.

I just stopped and watched her walk off to some unknown destination and then turned back around and went into the TSC.

Even though it was a total failure, don't you think it was semi cool?! Despite the awkward embarrassedishness I felt, it was still awesome! I have never done that before. I have never been the one person to do something. There were a bunch of other people around, just like me, but I was the one who helped.

It felt good. I would definitely do it again.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

London Fog*

These are a couple of scenes I beheld when I peeped through my window during various points of yesterday:

I love cool movie weather!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm pretty sure the DI was sent from Heaven

Just sayin.
Look at my findings.

Item #1: The Fan.

After literally 6 months of non-stop blowing, my fan passed away. It was a sweet little thing with a love for all things windy. Unfortunately, when it died, I had nothing left to drown out the noise of my roomies wrestling at 4am. I tried earplugs, but that just didn't cut it. The store seems to be against fans in the winter, so I was hopeless and sleep deprived. But wait! Suddenly the DI came to my mind. Sure enough, there was an assortment of old fans to be had at good old Deseret Industries and I found this little guy, working and healthy, for only $2.

Item #2: The Miracle of Forgiveness.

I am taking a real institute class this semester and I love it. The teacher is awesome and my fellow classmates are just as swell. It is called Repentance and Forgiveness and it is all about the book "The Miracle of Forgiveness" by Spencer W. Kimball. He told us to get the book and that it was about $13 from the bookstore. I thought long and hard about how I was going to afford such a costly accessory to my spirituality when suddenly the DI came to my mind. Sure enough I found 2 copies among the books at the back of the store. One semi messed up one with a personalized letter to some "Lori," for $2. And one newer, nicer, awesomer one for $1.50. Boo yes.

Item #3: One Fine Day.

As Henrietta can attest, I have had an unnatural craving this past month for watching this movie. I don't know why. Every time I want to watch a movie, I think, "One Fine Day. Let's watch that." And we never can because we never have it. Well guess what people. The DI came through yet again with this copy for $1. I am pleased.

Item #4: Little Rascals.

I know it's another movie, but I couldn't help it. On Saturday night, me, The Rock, and a couple fellow neighbor dudes were wanting to watch a movie. We decided upon Little Rascals. We texted every single person in the whole entire dorm, but alas 'twas all in vain. We came up empty handed. Today all our wishes came true when I found this copy for a solid $2 at the DI once again. I was beyond thrilled and could not contain my joy as I purchased my goods.

Grand total= $6.50.

Once again, the DI was sent from Heaven.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


New year.

New classes.

New people.

New resolve.

New camera.

Unfortunately, nothing drastically picture-worthy is going on in my life at the moment, so your just going to have to wait for visual evidence of my current activities.


I do have story.

So one of the three new FHE brothers we got is a short, 12-year-old-looking boy (whom I mentioned at dinner the other day) I'll call Littles. A few nights ago I was over at their place with everyone watching Dispicable Me. Littles was quoting every line, and it wasn't really bothering me (as you know I do that exact thing quite often with a particular movie) but I told him "feel free to stop quoting the lines any time, Littles." But I was being sarcastic, like I do, and apparently he didn't really understand because yesterday we were hanging out with some our other FHE bros without Littles, and one of them told me, "You know, you should really be nicer to Littles, cuz he thinks you hate him."


And then this particular brother went on to say, "We tried to tell him that that's just the way you are, but you should just be nicer."

To which I replied, "well I'm not going to if he's going to be so sensitive about things."

Everyone thought that was really harsh, but I didn't really care cuz I was really mad. Like, get over it you little baby. Holy cram. Sensitive boys. I HATE sensitive boys. Especially short ones. And I also hate people telling me what to do. So I was double really mad.

Later on that night I was in my room talking to Washington and MIA and they were both telling me about how when they first met me they didn't get my sarcastic sense of humor, but now they think I'm hilarious. I get that a lot. Usually I have to make a conscious effort to try to get people slowly acclimated to my personality before I let it all loose on them. But then I realized I'd forgotten to do that with Littles. Okay, that's a lie. The very first day I met him I made a cognizant (good word, eh?) decision not to start out the relationship nicely like I did with everyone else. I just let my sarcasm flow and hoped that he would understand that I didn't really mean any of it. Which was a bad idea.

Now he thinks I hate him. Little does he know that reacting that way really is going to make me hate him. Jk. Not really. But it's going to make me not like him just a little.

Moral of the story: I'm too lazy to figure it out right now. You do it.