Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Divine Easter

I'm pretty sure Easter was basically the best day of my life. It was HEAVEN.

It started with a little of this:

And that:

Crepes with the roomies for brunch. Mm mm.

Then church. It was fab. But even more fab than church was what came after.

I don't know how things work at your place, but we here make a lot of awesome plans that "we should totally do, it would be awesome, ya let's do it, super fun, okay..." And then we never actually do it.

One of those awesome plans we kept talking about was having an Easter feast with everyone left in the building (as in, those who don't go home for Easter). It would come up and we would talk about how awesome it would be, but it was obviously not going to happen.

However, on Friday night, Willow and I took matters into our own hands, and decided to make a legit plan out of this feast fantasy we'd been having all week.


We went to each apartment and asked who would be here on Easter and if they would like to join our building feast. In the end, we had 25ish committed attendees.

Then we had to go back around and tell each person what we wanted them to bring and how much and all that.

Okay, so let me tell you what it's like to be in charge of something like this: It sucks.

Since I was the face behind the plans, random people would come to me and ask me random questions that I obviously didn't have the answer to. I hated having people ask me questions and expect me to come up with solutions and be in charge and all that. I felt pressure to make it all go well. I was so worried all Saturday night/Sunday morning that we would run out of the main food (like meat/potatoes) even though/especially because I wasn't in charge of those items. I felt like people were relying on me (because they WERE) and I just really wanted it to work.

Because things like this NEVER work. Especially here.

I decided to just let it go and go with the flow. That's where the "basically the best day of my life" comes into play.

After church, the whole building was cooking and preparing their portions of the feast. Everyone was borrowing items/pans/ingredients from each other and coming in and out and laughing and talking and baking and tasting. In my kitchen alone, the following items were prepared: rolls, broccoli salad, homemade macaroni and cheese, fruit/jello salad, gravy, and ham with glaze.

And the whole place smelled so good.

We brought all the tables from the second and fourth floors and lined them up with the tables on the third floor.

The food began to accumulate.

The people began to gather.
So i rounded up the troops, called on someone to bless the food, and let the feast begin!

And guess what.

It was SOOOO worth it. All the awkward questions, all the stressing about the food, all the lame decisions I had to make--it was all worth it.

Every person in the building joined in the celebration of Jesus' resurrection by eating, socializing, laughing, bonding, and eating some more.

There was plenty of food.

Plenty of people.

Everyone was merry and the evening was absolutely splendid.

I am going to miss this.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

All good things must come to an end*

Goodbye freshman year. It's been real, it's been fun. And you know what? It has been REAL FUN.

It's Going to be Peace Out..

















I can ride my bike with no handle bars. With no handle bars.

That's a song.


I have so many emotions at any given time that I think I may explode.

This is crazy.


Monday, April 18, 2011


As we all know, and have known, and will forever know: I have a big forehead. I just do. Fortunately I don't mind having a big forehead. Or I would have a problem. Because my forehead, it's just big.

At the beginning of this school year, aka, last fall, I was sitting in a class and the girl next to me said, "You know the girl on Casper? You look like her."

I have never seen Casper, so I didn't know what she was talking about.

A few days later, someone else that I did not know said the exact same thing.

"What?!" I thought to myself. SINCE WHEN???? I've looked like this all my life and nobody said anything til now.

And as we all know, there is power in two witnesses, so this time I decided to look it up and see just who this girl is. I found this:

A.k.a. this:

Remember that adorable movie called Penelope? That's me. But not really. Because I don't look like Penelope, I look like Kat who is like 10 years old.


I decided it's the big forehead and the brown hair. But then I remembered that the girl said I also made some of the same facial expressions as her. So maybe it's my forehead, hair, AND face?

So the other day I was sitting in Psychological Statistics (my second worse class, or third best if you want to be positive) talking to this guy, whom we shall call Client.

Client has been sitting next to me in class for about 2 weeks now and he texts me random things every single day. For example: Did you realize that your last name's country of origin and your first name's counry waged war on each other for hundreds of years? That was one of his exciting conversation starters. I repeat: Exciting.

Anyway, we were sitting there in class last week and he said, "Did I tell you who you remind me of?"

Me: No. Do I know this person?

Him: Well, it's from a movie. Have you seen Casper?

What the heck? I finally reach adulthood and all of a sudden I look like this little Casper girl to everyone and their dog. So I told him about the two people at the beginning of the year who told me the same thing. And he said this: I think it's the forehead.

I was right.

And then he said this: It's Christina Ricci, right?

Me: Yes.

Him: See, that's a HUGE compliment.


The end.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

And in the end...*

Oops, I forgot to post yesterday, the last Saturday of my Freshman career, so I'm gonna do it today because I can.

First of all, I'd like to say that you better step up your blogging performance when you're in Mexico. That is if you have access to the internet, which is unlikely. So I guess you can just write me letters instead. And I'm not kidding. If you're going to ditch out on me for 4 freakin months then the least you can do is write me a dang letter.

Now back to my life.

Can you believe I have a mere 5 and a half days left here? Where the heck did my life go? I am so sad. I don't think I've ever had to leave so many people that I am so in love with and have gotten to know so well. I definitely wasn't this sad leaving home. You only got to meet a few of them when you were down here awhile ago, but honestly I have never met such GOOD people. Good TEENAGERS. The world should be so thrilled that it has these magnificent youth to rely on to keep things real. The mothers who have raised these kids deserve some major props. All the friends I've made here are fantastic people and I'm going to miss them so much.

In other news, guess what? From last Friday night to this past Thursday night, I went on FOUR dates. That is more than I have been on all year long. Four dates with three different people. And one of them was HORSE BACK RIDING. With Zona. It was suuuuper fun; but too bad I don't like him, or it would have been even better.

Four seems to be the theme of this post, so guess what else? I have FOUR finals. I took my Book of Mormon one yesterday and totally Jimmered it. Now I have Polisci, Stats, and American Heritage. All my hard ones. Kinda nervous, but it'll be okay hopefully.

You know, it's really obnoxious trying to juggle spending time with friends that I'm never going to see again and studying for finals right now. If you only have one last week to spend with someone, naturally you'd want to spend all your time with them, right? But no, this satanic system makes us have to worry about passing dumb examinations instead.


I just need more TIME

P.S. this is what my last Saturday evening looked like. Yeah, I'm a boss.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What Color Are You?

I don't know why, but for the past few weeks, the color code has been coming up in virtually every other conversation I encounter. And I love it.

It is so interesting to see what color other people are, thus explaining why they act certain ways and think the way they do. We've been trying to guess who various people are, including ourselves, which leads me to the point of this post.

I have a new favorite compliment to add to the list.

Now, first of all, I am most definitely a red. Like, really, there's no doubt about it. But guess what. On Sunday night, Willow, me, Grandpa Jack, and Theodore were sitting in my hall, and of course the topic of the conversation gravitated to the color code, yet again.

Willow said to me, "What color are you? Wait, let me guess. Blue/white."

Me: Oh my gosh! I'm so excited you thought I was blue/white! I'm red!

Willow: WHAT?!!?!?!?!? I NEVER would have guessed that. My order would have been blue, white, yellow, THEN red. And I'm usually pretty accurate with what color I think people are.

Then we discussed how I am acutally a red and after she thought about it, she could see the red in me.

So the compliment I am getting at here is that I am a blue/white, and not a red. And not only did she think I was blue/white, but she said she always gets along best with blue/whites, which means she must get along with me (which she does) if she thougth that's what I was. Ya get?

But wait, there's more.

So last night, me, Willow, and Umbrello (He would be Umbrella, except he's a boy, so I decided to end it with an O. You know, practicing up on Spanish for Mexico.) were sitting out in the main hall talking and guess what came up. The color code. And guess what Umbrello said to me, "What are you? I'm thinking blue/white."

Me: WHAT?!!!

Willow: No way!!

Umbrello: With some yellow in you?

Can you believe that? Two days in a row, someone thought I was a blue/white! I was SO HAPPY to hear that!

Now, don't get me wrong, I love my color and I'm proud of my red heritage, but I LOVE when people can't tell. Because I feel like that means I exhibit the positive qualities of a red, instead of the negative ones, and then apparently the positive qualities of blue/white. You know, becasue usually (for me anyway) I recognize a red for their not so pleasant qualities, or at least qualities that are not considered favorable to others. DoyouknowwhatImean??

So anyway. That's my new fav. compliment. Feel free to use it sometime.

Oh, P.S. in case you care - which you probably don't because you don't even know these people - but Willow is split 50/50 between red and blue and Umbrello is blue/white.

P.S.S. Mother, do not miss the words of the day, because I know you love those so much.