Monday, April 18, 2011


As we all know, and have known, and will forever know: I have a big forehead. I just do. Fortunately I don't mind having a big forehead. Or I would have a problem. Because my forehead, it's just big.

At the beginning of this school year, aka, last fall, I was sitting in a class and the girl next to me said, "You know the girl on Casper? You look like her."

I have never seen Casper, so I didn't know what she was talking about.

A few days later, someone else that I did not know said the exact same thing.

"What?!" I thought to myself. SINCE WHEN???? I've looked like this all my life and nobody said anything til now.

And as we all know, there is power in two witnesses, so this time I decided to look it up and see just who this girl is. I found this:

A.k.a. this:

Remember that adorable movie called Penelope? That's me. But not really. Because I don't look like Penelope, I look like Kat who is like 10 years old.


I decided it's the big forehead and the brown hair. But then I remembered that the girl said I also made some of the same facial expressions as her. So maybe it's my forehead, hair, AND face?

So the other day I was sitting in Psychological Statistics (my second worse class, or third best if you want to be positive) talking to this guy, whom we shall call Client.

Client has been sitting next to me in class for about 2 weeks now and he texts me random things every single day. For example: Did you realize that your last name's country of origin and your first name's counry waged war on each other for hundreds of years? That was one of his exciting conversation starters. I repeat: Exciting.

Anyway, we were sitting there in class last week and he said, "Did I tell you who you remind me of?"

Me: No. Do I know this person?

Him: Well, it's from a movie. Have you seen Casper?

What the heck? I finally reach adulthood and all of a sudden I look like this little Casper girl to everyone and their dog. So I told him about the two people at the beginning of the year who told me the same thing. And he said this: I think it's the forehead.

I was right.

And then he said this: It's Christina Ricci, right?

Me: Yes.

Him: See, that's a HUGE compliment.


The end.

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