Saturday, May 7, 2011

You know what?*

Boredom does great things for me. Among intellectual hobbies such as reading, writing, honing my guitar skills, and watching Alias, I've also been learning how to hack into computers, encrypt and decrypt files, and understand political jargon. After all, if a future in political science and possible intelligence involvement is what awaits me, these are important things to know.

Do you realize how much we DON'T know? Every single, I don't know, aspect of life has it's own set of terms and concepts to understand. Like if you want to be a construction worker, you're going to have to know entirely different stuff than if you want to be a porn star or something.
And if you're the President of the United States, you probably don't know how to work a retail job, or how to ice-pic your way up a mountain. A concert pianist doesn't know how to do what the people backstage are doing. The janitor at the hospital doesn't know how to perform brain surgery, and a brain surgeon doesn't know which key fits into which cleaning supply closet, or even where the cleaning supply closets are. A herbalist doesn't know how to skin a deer, and a weather man doesn't know how to calm down a class of first-graders. But somebody out there knows. Isn't that interesting? For every single thing there is to know, there's a person who knows it, or it wouldn't exist!

That's probably why I hate being the new person at a job. Everybody already knows what they're doing, and they know how to do it in the most efficient way. That's also why I never joined a team in high school, because as much as I enjoyed playing a pick-up game of volleyball or soccer, there is a lot more to know about a sport than how to score a point.

And look at you now, out there in Mexico, learning all sorts of stuff you didn't know before, I'm sure. I mean, even every culture has unique things you need to know to function properly within it.

Wow. Knowledge. Who knew?

1 comment:

  1. I really quite enjoyed that. Quite a lot. Fascinating.
