Monday, August 8, 2011

The Home Crew*

Let's pretend it's Saturday

My home ward. Is. Awesome.
I've lived in it my entire life. Boundries have changed, people have moved out, people have moved in, but still it retains it's title of best ward ever.

We have a stellar group of young women, and I can honestly tell you that not one of them is that catty, vain, obnoxious type--they are ALL down to earth (with the exception of a few beehives, but who cares about them?). Our young men are pretty legit too.

About a month ago, I was called to be a leader for Trek and I was really not excited to go, but after we got back this past Friday I was so glad I went and my only issue was that it couldn't have lasted longer.

I don't know if you've ever been on Trek, but it was seriously a blast. See for yourself:

I loved dressing up like a pioneer (that was not sarcastic) and playing in the river and sleeping in a tent. I loved square dancing and eating dinner around the fire and messing around with the youth. I love that I got this last hoorah with my ward family before I have to go back to school, but I think it's gonna make me miss them even more.

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