So, just in case you were wondering who I have been living with for the last 3 months, let me tell you.
Apartment U2 consists of four fabulous Sophomores with a love for life and all things happy. We get along so well and living with each other is more natural than putting pb and j on two pieces of wheat bread.
On Friday we went on a roommate date by going to Cafe Rio and then chillin at our apartment watching Newsies. Then we played in the snow and made our first legit snowmen of this winter season. It was so splendid!
And btw, this is the first picture of all of us together. Presh.
On Sundays we take turns making Sunday dinner for each other. This last Sunday it was H's turn. We all helped in the production of the most delicious ski country pasta I have ever digested. Yes it was soaked in bacon grease and probably clogged a whole artery and a half, but that is beside the point.
So every Sunday night we sit around the dinner table together and talk and eat and it's just great. There is nothing like roommate bonding over a good meal. Then we clean the kitchen like the perfect American family would -- everyone is cheerful and willing to help -- and, of course, you cannot forget the endless stream of Christmas music playing in the background.
If this doesn't sound like Heaven, just wait, it gets better.
Yesterday was a tad special and here is why: Our apartment had to introduce ourselves at ward prayer.
Let me share with you what exactly this introduction entails.
Well, every Sunday at ward prayer, one apartment is in charge of leading it, like providing the song, thought and prayer, and along with all the that, the apartment has to come up with some creative way to help the rest of the ward get to know them. There have been some pretty creative apartments so far, let me tell you.
One group of guys did a rap/song/thing about them that was so beyond funny.
One group of girls made a movie that was also quite entertaining.
One group of girls each brought in a shoe that described them. Meh.
So anyway, we've been at this for months now, so we knew it would eventually get to us and that our intro had to be epic.
So we thought. And we planned. And we came up with the perfect idea. And then, at about 4:45 p.m. yesterday evening, I heard a knock at the door. It was the ward prayer coordinator saying our day had arrived. I promptly slammed the door and ran screaming up the stairs,
And here is how it went: Each of us took on the roll of someone else in the room. So I was T, T was K, K was H, and H was me. After deciding who was who, we then told a story from our past just how we would tell it in real life. The person acting as us would then repeat the story exaclty how that person just told it, to practice and whatnot. After all the stories were told/practiced/memorized, we added the costume. Each of us wore the clothes of the person we were acting as and let me just say, that sold it right there.
T has this crazily distinct personality and a style of clothing to match. I wore this lacey shirt of hers with a vest over it and her jewelry and she did my make-up, complete with dark lipstick, and a head band on top. I looked just like her.
H was me, which is so great because just the other day I was looking through my clothes and I found this adorable shirt that just doesn't fit me quite right, so I gave it to her. So she wore that. And my Mexico ring that I wear everyday. And my glasses. So that was obvious.
T was K and K has pretty much the opposite style and personality of T so that was ridiculously hilarious. T wore just a big t-shirt and K's big Norway jacket and jeans. She just looked chill. Also, the thing about T is that she actually acts so she has been studying K's mannerisms, like posture and way of walking and whatnot, so when she did her impression of K, it was sooo good and sooo hilarious.
K was H so she wore this scarf that H is obsessed with.
Thus we were both mentally and physically prepared.
When the time came, we all exited apartment U2 feeling ridiculously nervous. Seriously, I was like shaking out of my whits almost. It was kind of pathetic.
The ward prayer room filled with our fellow ward members and then we began and let me just say....
H (as me) led the discussion by telling the audience what we were doing and that they would have to guess who each of us was acting as at the end of our intros. She started by saying where I am from, what my major is, and then telling a story from my past life, all exactly how I would have done it had I been speaking. It was awesome.
Then K went (as H) introducing herself using facts about H and H's childhood story as if it were her own. So good.
Then T went and wow. That was about the funniest thing I have ever seen. She looked EXACTLY like K which was NOTHING like herself and everyone was laughing their heads off the entire time.
Then I went. Wow. Again. Since T's personality is so dominant and well-known in the ward, it was easy to act like her and I just over exaggerated every single thing about her and everyone loved it. When I was done, H said, "Okay so who was B acting as?"
Everyone shouted it out so loud and started laughing their faces off.
And then on down the line announcing who each person was acting as and, of course, they got all of them right because we are such great actors/costume artists.
It was sooo great.
And besides the great memory, we talked about it after it was all over and we realized that this whole experience made us appreciate each other even more. Because seriously, it was so hard to be the other person and none of us could do it quite right, you know? Each of us is so different and unique and our personalities compliment each others' and no one can replicate or replace us.
So ya. We wanted epic. We got epic. These girls are awesome.
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