Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bwayee Fuhyee

Yesterday I took a trip to the mailbox and this is what I found:

It came out of an envelope addressed to me of course.

So I opened it to find this:

My very own lil bro had written me a note on a napkin and full on mailed it to me.

Indeed, Bwayee Fuhyee.

I deemed this so awesome that I have decided to dedicate this post to my brother.

So Bwayee, guess what.

Last night I saw a movie. It was called Inception.

It. Was. Awesome.

Oh my goodness.

Seriously. You should go see it.

This is how awesome it was:

1. I got there 10 minutes late.
2. I sat on the second row back. SECOND ROW! Ya I had to actually turn my head if I wanted to see the side of the screen.
3. It was 2 and a half hours long.

With all that, I still loved it.

I'm not one to always like that kind of movie. You know, it's actually semi deep and I like to not have to think when I watch a movie.

But no. This was good.

I was totally into it. And it didn't even really swear that much. And it had some funny lines mixed in there. And at the end I wasn't even that confused. I think I mostly got all of it.

Plus I could actually feel the vibrations when things would blow up. It was crazy.

Just go see it, Bwayee. You can thank me later.

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