Thursday, July 15, 2010


I love traditions. I think there should be a tradition for everything. Traditions are what make good memories and what people look forward to. Traditions are the one thing everyone can count on. Traditions are sent straight from Heaven. I don't know if you are really supposed to capitalize Heaven. I just do. It's tradition.

Above, we see a tradition I have every morning when I brush my teeth. I drip right on my shirt. Then I get to wait until it dries before I leave the dorm.

I have decided to apply my belief in traditions to this blog.

Every Thursday from now on, I will give you Thoughts from Thursday. In these posts I will share with you my thoughts. Obviously.

It can be on anything I want.

It can be as random as I want.

It can be as boring as I want.

It can be as serious/unserious as I want.

Let us try it now.

Thoughts from Thursday on Hand-Washing Dishes.

First of all, sponges are absolutely sick and who ever invented them, especially with the intended use of dish washing, should be put in a mental institution.

b. Cups were so not meant to be hand-washed. It's dishwasher or nothing people. So if you don't have a dishwasher, buy some plastic cups that you can just throw away.

Tres, it's a waste of time, money, and soap to wash dishes after every meal. Just save them until the sink gets full or AT LEAST until the end of the day, and then you can wash them all at once.

Fourthly, drying. I do not believe in drying the dishes. It just grosses me out because no one but me cares that the towels used to dry these freshly cleaned dishes have been hanging on the oven handle for DAYS drying gross human hands and when you rub your dishes all over those things, you are asking for disease. Just rinse the dishes in hot water and set them aside. In 2 minutes flat they will be dry and then you can put them away. If you just HAVE to dry them by hand, at least get a fresh towel. AT LEAST.

Wellll. That was fun. Thoughts from Thursday is here to stay.

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