Monday, February 28, 2011


One day in the wee morning hours, we were all sitting in the main hall just chillin.

Remember Sean? Whenever he tells stories, he always acts things out and he is actually really good and quite hilarious. (Remember how I said he can do a sweet peacock interpretation?)

So we were sitting there, talking about how his future children are going to inherit his acting gene and dominate at charades. There was a break in the conversation and after about 2 seconds of silence, Sean says this:

"The peacock is dead. The seal is in."

And then he whips this out right on the spot:

Where does he come up with these?!

He is strange, but at least he has some entertainment value.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


As previously mentioned plenty of times on this blog, I have been acquiring billions of new skills since coming up here.

Introducing my cool whip flipping self:

I am pro.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

3 days down*

I don't know how apartment shopping works up yonder, but here, if you happen to be fortunate enough to like your freshman roommates, and you want to live with them all the next year, you have to switch your religion to Paganism, do a human sacrifice, and give the owner your left arm in a jar of formaldehyde for a down payment.

On Wednesday night, we got a text from somebody who already lives in our apartment of choice, saying that the first tent had gone up. We were absolutely unprepared. Everyone had previous engagements, and only Texas and I were available to go secure our spot. So we threw on our coats, grabbed all the sleeping bags and blankets we could, and Mia sped us down to our apartment. Sure enough, TWO tents were already pitched, but don't worry, one of them was only a supply tent for the first one. But actually, do worry, because that first tent was for 11 girls.

Anyway, Texas and I had no choice but to dump ourselves on the ground on the pile of sleeping bags in 30 degree weather, where we proceeded to wait for 2 and a half hours for the tent to arrive, worrying about whether there would be an apartment open with 5 beds by the time the 11 in front of us went through.

But because Texas has such an abundance of manly man friends who are in no short supply of tents, eventually 2 of them came down to rescue us and made us get in the car while they set up. Then Mia came down with UK and drove Texas and I back home so we could actually get packed, and so I could finish my homework due that night.

Later that evening, the 5 of us squished into that little tent and slept relatively soundly. At 7 the next morning, I walked back home with Texas to finish all my papers that would be due within the course of the next couple days. At 10, I went to class, but had to leave early because my mom was coming to pick me up for my JOB INTERVIEW in Sandy.

So bla bla bla, spent the rest of Thursday in and out of the tent, but mostly in the tent. In fact, a significantly GREATER amount of time in the tent than anyone else. WTF?

Thursday night, sleep in there with just Texas and Washington. 7 Friday morning, wake up to a lovely blanket of snow. But it was more like a mattress of snow than a blanket. And it really wasn't lovely. Especially to walk back home with Washington in.

Shower, read for biology quiz and American Heritage quiz, go to class til 2. Come home, eat, print out paperwork, go back to tent. Spend 30 minutes in tent. Walk to review. Spend two hours in review. Go back to tent. Find a centipede. Scream. Spend the rest of the freaking night in there. Sleep. Wake up at 8:30 this morning. Pack up tent, in like 15 minutes. We are awesome. Wait an hour in line. SIGN THOSE D*** CONTRACTS!!!

I am pleased to announce that our future living arrangements have finally been secured.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Stop, Drop, and Roll

I hereby deem the next 7 days "Video Week" in which each day will have a video to view.


So today's video just so happens to be a regular occurance around this place.

Do enjoy:

And btw, don't judge the quality of any of the videos this week because they were taken on my puny little phone that was obviously was not made for such high tech blogging.

Part Dos:

Ah that blessed fire alarm. But you know what's weird? We have done some pretty ridiculous things in 303 and the alarm has never gone off on us.

For example: No lie/exaggeration, approximately 15 - 20 minutes before we had the afore posted experience, The Rock was boiling some water on a burner that has some crap spilled down it and guess what. That crap caught fire. Like, real, large, hot flames were shooting off the stove and it was totally awesome. But we just turned the fan on and opened the window and all was well. So if you ask me, those who actually manage to get the alarm to go off on them deserve it because they are obviously being a little extreme.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The W.A.

Meet my fav. food called a Walking Salad, a.k.a. a Walking Apple:

GP introduced me to this divine morsel years ago (like 2, maybe) and I have been eating it ever since. It is so good. Would you like the recipe?

Walking Apple:

One Apple. Any kind/size.
Peanut Butter.
Chocolate Chips.

Cut the core out of the apple so it is like a bowl. Spread peanut butter all along the insides. Stuff with marshmallows and chocolate chips. Eat.

I don't know why, but I cannot get enough of these things. I know we have already talked about this like 50 times, but why not put it on the blog:

GP is indirectly affecting a countless number of lives with this delectable food invention and here is why.

Every roommate I have had since last summer has seen me eat plenty of these. Most of them have even tried at least one and some of them have converted and eat them on their own at times.

At Girls' Camp last year I was in charge of the food and guess what we ate. You got it. Walking Apples.

I think that is so cool! She has an impact on people she doesn't even know. I love it.

On a slightly different note, I would like you to know that I LOVE when people start eating what I eat. It makes me feel awesome. Here are some things I eat on a daily basis (besides the Walking Apple) that I have converted my roomies to:

-Ants on a log (celery with pb and raisins)
-Just Celery in general, actually
-String cheese and wheat thins
-Cottage cheese with fruit (namely pears)
-Granola (with and without yogurt)
-Wheat bread

The one thing they won't seem to budge on is spinach. Whatev.

This food conversion thing goes two ways as they have got me on chocolate milk. They drink it all the time. I have never liked chocolate milk, but they use the Nesquick powder, and that is actually delish. So I drink it now. That's about it.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's 2:22 on 2/22!!!

Make a wish my friends.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Ultimate Pranksters

On Saturday night/Sunday morning at 2ish a.m. we were trying to come up with something awesome to do and we decided a prank would be best.

We had many ideas.

Some were actually pretty good, but there were always problems and things just weren't working out.

Things like that never work out, actually. We always say we are going to do something like that and we talk about it for like five years and then we do nothing.

Thus, five years later, this conversation was coming to a close, and nothing had been done.

Then The Rock said to me, "Let's just go put snow in someone's toilet."

Trust me, that was basically the lamest one out of all the things we thought of.

But I was like, "Okay. Go do it."

So we went downstairs and gathered a big bucket of snow from the recent snow storm.

Then we went to 204 where the door was open with no one in sight and stuck it in their toilet.

It sounds lame, and I totally thought it would be, but when we actually did it, and I looked at the final result, I could not stop laughing. It was the funniest thing!

I just pictured myself walking into the bathroom to see the toilet filled with snow like that and it was so beyond funny.

So then we went back up to the hall of the 3rd floor to chill like we had been doing all night and we saw that 302 had their door open with no one in sight as well.

Thus the process was repeated and their toilet was filled with snow. But this time we used strawberry syrup to make a face on it and that was even funnier.

About 10 minutes later we heard a bunch of people laughing their heads off on the second floor and we knew what was coming.

Soon about 7 people walked up the stairs to greet us with, "Have you guys been outside lately?"

No. Why?

Someone put snow in our toilet.

REALLY?!! HA! I have got to see that.

So we rushed down the stairs to look at their toilet "for the first time."

"Oh my gosh! That is the funniest thing ever!! I need a pic!"

Thus the pic from above was taken. Am I not the best actor you have ever seen? I practically believed myself!

But what's funny is that the people we pranked thought it was so funny too. They said they "give whoever did it props."

And, "That was a really good prank."

And, "They are the ultimate pranksters."

Really? For snow in the toilet? Whatev. I'll take the compliment.

Anyway, I would highly recommend this if you are looking for something to do. It is harmless and clean and actually surprisingly funny. Try it.

Oh ya, and the 302 girls saw theirs a couple hours later. Their door was already closed for the night but we heard them freaking out from the other side. It was awesome.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Feelin' the Love*

So last week you said that the point when you looked in the mirror and thought "wow, I am pretty," is the point when everyone else started telling you the same thing. I guess it wouldn't be that hard to go look up your exact quote, but I'm lazy.

Anyway, I decided to try it. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought "wow, I'm pretty," and then sat back to wait for the magic to happen.

You were so right!

This week was ridiculous! I got so many compliments, and I didn't even have to wear my spiderman shirt to get them.

People were telling me that I was pretty or that I looked good left and right. And they were all sincere about it.

I felt so loved all week long. I guess maybe it could have been because the week started out with Valentine's Day, but we'll just conclude otherwise. It was because of you!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Circumstance does not make the man;

It reveals him to himself.

One more:

"A noble and God-like character is not a thing of favor or chance, but is the natural result of continued effort in right thinking, the effect of long-cherished association with God-like thoughts."

That is James Allen, my friends.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

FCHD Came From Heaven


I can't even handle it. How did I get so lucky to have a major exist that was made for me? And not only that, but I discovered what it was while I was still in high school!

Today, in my Balancing Work and Family class, we started our second unit which is all about finances and I was 100% fascinated. Seriously. For the entire class I was fully alert, soaking it all in. It was soooo interesting.

Last week I heard a lady in my biology class talking to the professor and this is basically what she said, ". . . so that's why I'm studying geology! I love rocks! I go on hikes with my kids and I always ask them, 'Now, what kind of rock is this? Why does it look like this?' I love to learn about that kind of thing."


And then I started thinking about it. It is so cool that people are so different and have so many different passions.

My roommate is in mechanical engineering. You should see her class schedule. It includes classes like Dynamics, Physics, Calculus, etc. I asked her what she wants to be when she grows up and she said, "I want to design sports equipment. Like running shoes. I think it would be so cool to design running shoes. And if not that, then maybe coaching. Something with track."

How crazy is that?

Lady number one can't get enough rocks in her life.

Roomie over here wants to design running shoes. Who even does that?

And then I think relationships are the most interesting thing on the planet, and seeing the reasons behind people's spending habits is what I call fun.

Ah! I love college. All three of us are here at the same place doing what we absolutely love, even though what we love could not be more opposite of each other.

It's just amazing.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

Congrats to GP for getting the last movie right. Five points for you.

Now. Thirty points will be immediately awarded to the first person to correctly identify what the song is talking about that I titled this post with. I just learned this yesterday. I had no idea.

Hint: Think of the snaps game. If you know what the snaps game is, of course.

Hint numero dos: One Fine Day.

Now for the pic of the day.

I constructed this temple a few weeks back using only the items sitting on the counter and I was quite pleased with myself. There is even a little pilgrim girl Moroni on top. Presh.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dear Mother,

Meet your replacement, a.k.a. The Hybrid:

You thought I grew up and learned to do things on my own when I moved out.

You were wrong.

Instead, I got The Hybrid as a roommate to do what you used to do.

For example: She makes me food and when it's done, everyone else will serve their own, but she will serve mine to me. You know how I hate to get my own food. This weekend alone she made me fried rice and bancan. Btw I have no idea how to spell bancan because it's Vietnamese. But that's how it sounds.

Guess what else. This whole semester my room has been a mess. I tried to clean it every once in a while, but I just couldn't do it. I told the Hybrid I needed help. So guess what. She organized all my crap and put my stuff away while I sat on a chair and told her stories of my childhood. When she was done, there were just a few things left that she didn't know where to put. So I took over and spent like 2 seconds finishing it, while she sat on the chair and talked to me about her day.

Remember when I needed you to come in my room and talk to me while I cleaned it?!

So don't worry. I'm still the same daughter you used to know and all my needs are being met.

Life is good.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fredette about it.*

He's #32

He's the top scorer in the nation in college ball

He's wanted by every NBA team

He's worshipped to the point of sacrilege here these days


Besides sinking every team we play against, receiving nation-wide attention for his pure awesomeness, and making every girl, single and married, at BYU fall in love with him, he has made me a fan of basketball, which is probably his greatest accomplishment thus far.

Last night, I joined a group of friends who were camping out for today's game. I took the 7pm-midnight shift, except it ended up being the 7pm-2:30am shift.

Yes, I sacrificed my warmth, comfort, and homework for this man, but it was totally worth

watching the Utes get Jimmered.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thirty, Flirty, and Thriving

First off, 5 points to the first person to name the origin of the title of this post. And congrats to "Anonymous" for getting the last one correct. 10 points for you.

Down to business.

There are two compliments I LOVE to receive more than any other.

1. You are pretty.
2. You're only 18?!

When I hear those things, everything is right in the world.

I have not always known that I am pretty. I mean, I never thought I was ugly, I just felt eh.

But then one day I just looked in the mirror at myself (like I do every single day) and it just hit me: I am pretty!

I looked again. Wow. I can't believe I never noticed.

That was last summerish and it wasn't until then, when I knew for myself, that I heard it from others. Isn't that weird? I think it's kind of cool. So in the last 8ish months I have had more people tell me I am pretty than I have in my entire life put together. Awesome.

Oh, as a side note to this compliment, I love when people say me and my sister look alike. I have always thought she was so pretty so when people tell me we look alike I am like, "Sweet! I would love to look like her!" I still don't see the resemblance, but the compliment is nice nonetheless.

As for compliment number two, I think this one may have something to do with my sister as well. Just a little bit. She is almost two years younger than me but people ALWAYS think she is the older one. Not cool.

Aside from that, I have just never really connected with people my own age. I don't know why, but if someone is my age or older, I feel like I have to act a certain way and I am not myself. I feel kind of inferior, if that makes sense. But if someone is younger than me, it's like I don't care what they think (but not in a bad way), so I am completely myself and I have way more fun and they think I am cool too. Ya get?

But, since coming up to college, I have changed. I swear, I was BORN for college. I am repeatedly amazed at how well I fit in here. Really, there was always something a little off in my life but not anymore people! This is what I was made for.

Anyway, this semester I have had two people think I was 21. I look up to both of these people and I feel like they are so mature and cool and guess how old both of them are. . . 22! And they thought I was basically their age. That has NEVER happened to me in my whole entire life. But, you see? I am connecting with people who are actually my age and stage in life and it is awesome.

So if you want to make my day, tell me you think I am pretty and maybe 20, 21ish. I will love you forever.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Heads or Tails

A pic from my phone. Too bad I never pull out my real camera.

But it's still cute.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Banana: A Yellow Fruit

I decided that I am going to post at least a picture everyday from now until Spring Break, aka March 7th, aka one month from now. Just for fun. It can be of whatever I want and it can be as lame or as awesome as I want, ya?

And I will say whatever I feel like even if there is no story or no point to it. Just because I want to.

Now, item of business number one. Ten points to the first person who can tell me where I directly quoted the title of this post from.

Number two. Meet Sean. He's in the middle.

There is so much I could tell you about him, but I don't have time, so you'll just have to wait for when I see you in person.

Actually, here's a sneak peak:

When Sean puts on my old glasses, (you know, the giant square ones) he looks just like the grandpa from Up. It is so funny.

Also, he will do ANYTHING we ask him to, but not in a bad way. For example, the other night he seriously let me pluck his leg hairs right out of his leg. You may think that is weird, and you may be right. But I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Look what I just found! Real video footage from my phone of him letting us flip him...

He does the funniest interpretation of a peacock I have ever seen and he will cry on demand. Real flowing tears. He is also the most ticklish male I have ever seen.

Yesterday, he was wanting his hair cut and I said I would do it for him. He said yes, but then he found out that I have never cut a boy's hair before so he refused. I begged and begged and then we had a conversation that went like this:

Me: Can I PLEASE shave your hair?!

Him: NO!!! No, no, no. I am not gonna be your first time!


Him: Haircutting.

I nearly died of laughter.

Oh there is much more I could tell you about him, but let's get to the point of all this:

Sean is going to Iraq in June. He is going to war. I cannot even grasp that.

My thoughts have definitely taken a different turn these past couple days.

War. Sean. June. I just don't get it.

Perspective shift yet again, that's for sure.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Remember how we all thought that I'd forget to eat in college? I was pretty sure that the notorious freshman fifteen was going to pull a reverse move on me. But, as the scale and my stomach can attest, that is definitely not the case. I eat so much. I eat when I'm bored. I eat when I'm sad. I eat when I'm happy. I eat when I'm doing homework. I eat when I'm not doing homework. I eat every time I change my socks, turn my head, or bat my eyelashes. And I don't know how I'm doing it, because I don't even have anything to eat. I spend a strict $17 dollars a week on food, so it's not like I have that much to go around. And I don't ever buy junk food, but somehow I discover myself eating it all the time.

In highschool, I used to skip breakfast and lunch most days, and it wouldn't even faze me. I basically never got hungry. I tried that the other day. Not a good idea. My stomach was growling all through class, and I couldn't focus because I was so hungry. WTF? What have I done to myself? I was supposed to be building up a resistance to hunger for the up-and-coming second coming, when a family of ten will have to make a single can of mushroom stems last for a whole week. But I guess the rule is you can't go without eating AND outrun all the monsters. That would be unfair to everyone else.

But I'll be able to outrun everyone to the grocery store at least.

Except if I get too fat, I'm not going to be able to run at all.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

We had a conversation about the validity of Star Trek

I overheard someone say that today and I found it rather funny.


Tuesday was not the best day of my life. I left for my first class of the day at 7:11 as usual and continued through my day of non-stop education until 4ish when I went home, grabbed some food, and immediately left again for a Biology review session at 5. At 6:34 the review thing was over and all I wanted to do was go lay in my bed.

So I walked out of the Geology building toward the bus stop and it was FREEZING as it had been all day. For real, I don't think I have ever been that cold! Every time the wind would blow it felt like someone was throwing knives at my face. Not cool.

Anyway, if you know where the Geology building is in relation to the bus stop, you would know that it is one long straight walk that takes at least five minutes.

So I walked out the door and immediately saw the shuttle drive by, stopping at the bus stop.

So I ran. As fast as I could. All the way. I couldn't actually see the bus at the stop, so I thought it had probably left me by now but when I turned the corner it was still there. Sweet!

But guess what. I was like 40 feet away and it drove away. Right in front of my face.

So I kept running. I followed that flippin shuttle all the way to the next bus stop and I was praying that it would not leave me. Literally.

But again, 40 feet before I would set foot on that bus, it drove away. AGAIN.

Bah! I would either have to walk home in the freezing cold, or wait approximately 27 minutes for it to come back around, still in the freezing cold.

I was basically enraged.

But then this little silver car pulled up to the bus stop and the window rolled down. I looked inside to see this girl calling out to me.

"Were you running for the bus?"


"Here, get in, I'll give you a ride. I'm not a creeper."


Her car was so warm and so comfy and took me straight to my house and I will love her forever and I will never forget it.

So here's my theory. Remember the blind lady?

What goes around comes around - in a good way too. Awesome.

{P.S. I know the hyperlink is completely unnecessary since I barely did that post, but I just thought it would be fun. I was right.}