Tuesday, February 15, 2011

FCHD Came From Heaven


I can't even handle it. How did I get so lucky to have a major exist that was made for me? And not only that, but I discovered what it was while I was still in high school!

Today, in my Balancing Work and Family class, we started our second unit which is all about finances and I was 100% fascinated. Seriously. For the entire class I was fully alert, soaking it all in. It was soooo interesting.

Last week I heard a lady in my biology class talking to the professor and this is basically what she said, ". . . so that's why I'm studying geology! I love rocks! I go on hikes with my kids and I always ask them, 'Now, what kind of rock is this? Why does it look like this?' I love to learn about that kind of thing."


And then I started thinking about it. It is so cool that people are so different and have so many different passions.

My roommate is in mechanical engineering. You should see her class schedule. It includes classes like Dynamics, Physics, Calculus, etc. I asked her what she wants to be when she grows up and she said, "I want to design sports equipment. Like running shoes. I think it would be so cool to design running shoes. And if not that, then maybe coaching. Something with track."

How crazy is that?

Lady number one can't get enough rocks in her life.

Roomie over here wants to design running shoes. Who even does that?

And then I think relationships are the most interesting thing on the planet, and seeing the reasons behind people's spending habits is what I call fun.

Ah! I love college. All three of us are here at the same place doing what we absolutely love, even though what we love could not be more opposite of each other.

It's just amazing.

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