Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Banana: A Yellow Fruit

I decided that I am going to post at least a picture everyday from now until Spring Break, aka March 7th, aka one month from now. Just for fun. It can be of whatever I want and it can be as lame or as awesome as I want, ya?

And I will say whatever I feel like even if there is no story or no point to it. Just because I want to.

Now, item of business number one. Ten points to the first person who can tell me where I directly quoted the title of this post from.

Number two. Meet Sean. He's in the middle.

There is so much I could tell you about him, but I don't have time, so you'll just have to wait for when I see you in person.

Actually, here's a sneak peak:

When Sean puts on my old glasses, (you know, the giant square ones) he looks just like the grandpa from Up. It is so funny.

Also, he will do ANYTHING we ask him to, but not in a bad way. For example, the other night he seriously let me pluck his leg hairs right out of his leg. You may think that is weird, and you may be right. But I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Look what I just found! Real video footage from my phone of him letting us flip him...

He does the funniest interpretation of a peacock I have ever seen and he will cry on demand. Real flowing tears. He is also the most ticklish male I have ever seen.

Yesterday, he was wanting his hair cut and I said I would do it for him. He said yes, but then he found out that I have never cut a boy's hair before so he refused. I begged and begged and then we had a conversation that went like this:

Me: Can I PLEASE shave your hair?!

Him: NO!!! No, no, no. I am not gonna be your first time!


Him: Haircutting.

I nearly died of laughter.

Oh there is much more I could tell you about him, but let's get to the point of all this:

Sean is going to Iraq in June. He is going to war. I cannot even grasp that.

My thoughts have definitely taken a different turn these past couple days.

War. Sean. June. I just don't get it.

Perspective shift yet again, that's for sure.

1 comment:

  1. that quote is from psych. i freakin luv that show!!!! i cant believe u watch that too. so good. shawn makes me laugh. :D
