Saturday, June 11, 2011


Well folks, guess what day it is?
That's right! It's the day that the dear author of this blog (not me. Remember this post?) was born, 19 long years ago.
Unfortunately, we've yet to agree upon a suitable pseudonym for her, so I'm just going to revert back to GB. Don't like it? Get over it.

Okay, GB, the rest of this post is addressed to YOU.

A few weeks ago, when I was going through all my stuff, getting ready to move from my old room to my current room (pictures to come when it's finished), I found a bunch of old junk, as you can imagine.
But in that pile of junk, there was a letter addressed to you that I'd been planning on giving you after graduation.

Well, obviously graduation was last year, and obviously you don't have the letter, because guess what? I have it. But because it's just too good to be thrown out and also because it's your birthday, I'm going to type it up, right here and now on this blog, just for you. It goes a little something like this:

First of all, congratulations on graduating. That's like, huge. Almost like winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Anyway, I figured that we should enter our new lives with a clean slate, so I've searched my soul and decided to forgive you for the grievous wrongs you've committed against me.

  • I forgive you for making that hideous blue mark across the back of my yearbook Junior Year

  • I forgive you for falling asleep during our LOTR marathon

  • I forgive you for taking that hideous picture of me sleeping at EFY

  • I forgive you for popping your zits in front of me

  • I forgive you for saying that my Grandma is strange

  • I forgive you for refusing to eat lunch with me Senior Year

  • I forgive you for leaving me alone with Ms. Newby and her bf that one day when we stayed late working on baby ads

  • I forgive you for shoving all your memorabilia of me in a box. Under your bed.

  • I forgive you for throwing away the acorn I brought you all the way from Gettysburg

  • I forgive you for not wearing purple eye shadow even though I tell you to all the time

  • I forgive you for hating animals

  • I forgive you for forgetting to wear deodorant

  • I forgive you for laughing at me when I fell playing dodge ball at BBBS that one time

  • I forgive you for wrecking my social life

Wow, what a list. But don't let that stress you out, because I believe thanks are also in order...

  • Thank you for discovering the air conditioning in my car

  • Thank you for driving me around when I was too afraid to drive myself around

  • Thank you for picking me up all the way in Logan when I went to see another friend

  • Thank you for participating in my social norms project in 11th grade

  • Thank you for bringing me cupcakes and magazines when I botched my hair

  • Thank you for doing all the work in Physics

  • Thank you for introducing me to BLTs and the awesomeness of cemeteries and the wonder of that green hair gel

  • Thank you for the stellar quilt you made me for Christmas

  • Thank you for the word "stellar"

  • Thank you for bringing me cookies AND milk when I was having a bad day

  • Thank you for not being (too) mad at me when I said the plane ticket prices would go down and they went up

  • Thank you for supporting my aspirations to join the Peace Corps and marry an African

  • Thank you for being such a good influence, such a genuine person, and finally, thank you for being my best friend!
Aren't you so glad I didn't throw that away? Me too. Lots of great memories I bet you forgot about, and possibly still don't remember.

But how could you NOT have a happy birthday? You're in Mexico!

Oh, I know. Maybe because I'M not there!!

1 comment:

  1. OH my gosh, best letter ever! Why didn't you give it to me?!? I guess it's cool because I got it a year later so it's like it's from the past but it still applies. Hey, same with the Book of Mormon. Anyway that was the funniest thing I have heard all week and I loved it to death. Thanks my dear.

    P.S. I always call my students "Dear" and Sara loves it.
