Monday, September 26, 2011

Dirty Dash

We Mexican teachers decided to hold our one month reunion this past weekend at the Dirty Dash in Midway.  It was legit.

So, good news.  I think I am at least half way over my whole Mexican brain.  I mean, I'm still obsessed, and every time I hear it mentioned, my heart beat soars and my mind floats back to the good old days.  But I'm passed the stage of looking at my pics and watching my vids every single night.  I did that literally for the whole first month home.  So it's been like a week and a half since I got over it.  But anyway.

The reunion was totally fun.  We are all still friends and I'm pretty sure it will stay that way. They are really all so great and I love hanging out with them.  Sigh.  Good times.

Guess what.  I just went to Cafe Rio with my former roomies whose names I will now use outright, partially because I don't feel like clouding them over, and partially because I don't quite remember their fake ones.  So anyway, we went to Cafe Rio and the workers were speaking Spanish and I loved it.  Then we went to this little restaraunt from El Salvador, which basically equals Mexico.  It was exactly like a Mexican restaraunt and I loved every second of it.  Beca bought me some delish food from there and it was only like 2 dollars and it was so good.  I loved it.  So ya, I'm over my non-stop thinking/talking about it, but I'm still obsessed and I can't get enough of all the little legit Mexican/Latin American places in Logan.  I had no idea there were so many, but it makes me so so happy.

El fin.

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