Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sophomore Year

Hola. I'm a sophomore in college right now, and you know what? I actually feel like one. I feel old enough slash mature enough for my new status at this here university. It's pretty legit.

And can I just say, being a sophomore is like 17 times better than being a freshman. And that's saying something because I sure did love being a freshman.

But I don't know, freshmen are so young and immature and they don't know anything. And that's okay, because that's just the stage they are in. That was okay with me last year.

But this year, I don't know. Like I said above, I'm a sophomore and I can totally tell and I love it.

I love walking to my classes and seeing people I know left and right. What the what? Who knew I met that many people last year? I had no idea.

I went to the bank like 2 weeks ago and the banker totally remembered my name the second I pulled up even though I hadn't been there in four months. It was awesome.

I went to a random ward prayer with my former roomie, The Rock, and an institute teacher I had over a year ago recognized me and we talked for a bit.

And can you believe I seriously had an institute class OVER A YEAR AGO?!

What I'm getting at here is I'm one year older and wiser too and I love it. I feel more grounded as a college student and as an adult. I'm growing up!

So. Not that this post wasn't inspiring and informational enough, but I think it could end on a happy, Mexican note:

Hannah, me, and Paige on our last day of Mexican church, not even one month ago.

1 comment:

  1. Niiice. Not so in love with the title font though.
