Saturday, December 18, 2010

Home isn't home anymore*

Do you feel weird when you come home home? I feel like a completely different person--like the person I was before college. Like a freind-lacking home-body. And I can't even believe that I am the same person who was running into different people every five minutes and stopping to talk yesterday, or that I was lounging on the couch laughing and joking with everyone last night, or that I spent two hours in a snowball fight with my roommates and a dozen other friends until 1 a.m--TODAY.

And now I'm home. Nobody here knows anybody there, so I can't tell stories effectively, because nobody really cares about stories that star people they've never seen before. I'm so bored.

This is crazy. I want to be THERE.

Who would have ever thought?

1 comment:

  1. Dude. I know what you mean. Fortunately Henrietta lives at home home for me so I'm not all that bored. But it's weird because when I'm here, I totally don't care about cleaning and cooking and doing service for others. Like, I have no problem doing anything like that and I look for ways to help out. But when I go back home home I turn selfish again and I hate cleaning and I don't want to do anything and I want everyone to do stuff for me.

    On to other news: Yesterday, I looked through the whole book that I made you for graduation/your birthday and it was so cute! I'm so glad I did that. But it reminded me of our Hogs Hollow Hill tradition that has a high chance of failing this spring and it makes me sad. Oh well.
