Saturday, December 4, 2010

Men on a Mission*

You knew me in highschool. I had plently of friends, but they were all girl friends. I can't honestly say that I had one real guy friend, they were mostly just cordial acquaintances. But here in my new fancy-schmancy college life, I can say just the opposite without even lying to you. Most of the people I say hi to on campus, most (in fact virtually all in this case) of the people that chill out in our kitchen on a daily basis, and most of the people that I spend my time with on weekend nights are guys. This lifestyle turnaround has my head spinning.

Unfortunately I think another turnaround is headed my way, because a good solid half of the boys around here are leaving on their missions in January, which means that I only get to spend a short week and half more with them. Have you inferred the implications of this situation?

I won't see them for two years. They probably won't even remember me when they get home. I'll be an insignificant grain of sand on their path toward finding a marriage partner. Actually, I'll probably never even see most of them EVER again since I'm going to be busy capturing the hearts of the Africans and Cambodians with my global phenomenonality.

What an interesting cultural paradigm we Mormons possess.

p.s.- I was just informed today that a club for the prevention of human trafficking is starting up here! Can you believe it? It's like a dream come true!


  1. I certainly hope your tall dark and handsome isn't one of them. That would just be tragic.

  2. Oh but he is. And it is quite tragic.
