Saturday, March 5, 2011

Have a donut*

Today has been excellent.
It started out at 7:15, when my alarm went off to tell me it was time to wake up. I obeyed my alarm, got up, got ready, and was out the door by 8:15, on my way to the JSB to be a volunteer counselor for the scout powwow. I must admit, I was nervous walking down there all by myself. Originally, UK, Washington, and Mia all had planned to do it with me, but when they turned in their applications, it was too late. Well, I turned my application in at the same time as them, but I, being the lucky star that I am, got a call the next day saying one more spot had opened up and IT WAS ALL MINE!! So I took it, because I'm in desperate need of volunteer hours for American Heritage.

Aaaanyway, so I get down there, check in at the desk, get all the stuff I'm supposed to hand out to the baby scouting boys, and the roll, and mosy on over to room 106. There was a girl already in there, Sarah, who was in charge of Section B (I was over Section A), but she'd already done this before so that made me feel a little better. Then Emily came in, who was the counselor for Section C. We talked and the boys started filtering in, and we checked off their names, gave them their lanyards, and a survey to fill out. When everyone was seated, we settled in for a lecture about journalism. For an hour. Wash, rinse, and repeat. Twice. Except the last time, we had to sit on the floor because the room was full. But Emily just so happened to have face cards, so we played Speed quietly, well as quietly as Speed can possible be played, the whole time. And it was just so fun. I didn't even know anyone, but I made friends with Sarah and Emily SO EASILY. Like, way easier than any other time in my friend-making history.
And because volunteers at this thing are so highly valued, the people in charge told us to go over to the Clyde Building afterward for refreshments. I was expecting like, lemon water and stale rolls. PSYCH! Try, boxes upon boxes of donuts of every flavor imaginable, chocolate milk, a schmorgasboard (I just made the spelling of that up, so what?) of vegetables and crackers and cheese. It was heavenly. I sat there for half an hour having an actual conversation with all these girls I'd never seen before in my life, talking and laughing and getting fat.
As we got up to leave, the head-honcho woman was like, "Eat this stuff or it's going in the garbage."

Everybody knows that you do not throw food away in front of GP. I mean, that is a big no-no. So me, being me, got up and went over to the table with the donuts piled on top of it, and asked "Are you serious? Are you really going to throw these away? What about all the children in Africa who have to eat dirt today? Are you dumb?" And head-honcho was like, "Yeah, I'm serious."
Okay, so I took a box. I mean, a WHOLE dang box of donuts. And I made sure everyone else took a box too. And then I pranced back home to my roommates and gave them some, but there were still like, 15 left, so Michelle and I went outside and offered one to every person we passed.
I don't know if you've ever done anything like unto this, but it made me so happy! It was so weird. With every person that smiled, said "thanks" and reached out to take one from the box, my good mood vibes shot into the sky. It was fantastic! Like, better than Christmas! I don't know why I don't do that more often.

Moral of the story: 95% of my day has been spent either volunteering or giving, and I couldn't be more satisfied!


The spelling of donut is arbitrary, so get over it.

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