If you had a facebook, you would realize the enormity of the event that occured this weekend. Everybody and their flippin dog was there. And if you just didn't happen to see them there in person, you can most certainly view their pictures online. The event of which I speak is of course this:
Though it was super fun walking out of there feeling like a slice right out of a rainbow, it was also kind of sad because, contrary to popular belief, it's really supposed to be a religious thing for the Hindus and it's turned into some stupid high school/college kids' weekend activity. 99% of people there were definitely not Hindu. And nobody cared about the symbolism or the spiritual aspect of it, they just cared about bombing each other with chalk.
I guess I have no room to talk because I was in the same boat, but at least I recognized that it was a Hindu thing and at least tried to listen to the MC guy at the front reciting Hindu....stuff.
Apparently everyone and their dog went from Logan, too. I missed out. Yo.