But I will tell you the two things I do remember from that year in my life:
1. Our teacher read us the entire Series of Unfortunate Events books. I thought they were awesome.
2. My friends and I would always play kick ball at recess. I was terrible at kick ball. I couldn't kick the ball very far. I couldn't catch the ball worth poo. I probably didn't run very fast. But I still thought it was fun.
My bff was the best girl kick ball player and she was always one of the team captains.
So at the beginning of recess the captains of the two teams would stand in front of the kick ball playing mass of children and take turns picking someone to be on their team.
I was always picked first.
And trust me, it wasn't because of my skills. It was because of my connections with the people up top. Aka the captain.
I always felt kind of dumb when she would pick me first because I knew I had no skills and I knew everyone else knew it. BUT I was so so glad she did because I didn't want to be among the ones picked last because of their skill lackage. I always felt bad for them. I was glad I had friends in high places who would allow me on their team first even though I was certainly not an asset.
So. Moral of the story = be nice to the skill-less because someday they might blog nice things about you.
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