Monday, May 17, 2010

Third Grade

You see this child with her flowery shirt and her sweet, innocent little smile? Don't be deceived.

Back in the day, children used to play outside in the snow during recess. I remember putting on my snow pants and boots and coat every morning and heading off to school.

One day during recess, there was a ton of snow all over the field and everyone was rolling giant snowballs and building forts and what not.

Now, usually I was a sweet little angel child. But for some reason, on this day a devil took over and I became an evil little thing.

I went over to this fort that people were building and I started kicking it. Kicking it!

I just couldn't control myself. I just kept kicking and kicking and laughing and destroying and I felt no remorse whatsoever.

Then the bell rang and we went in.

You know how people say there's a first for everything? Well after recess I had my first experience getting in trouble.

Mrs. Vietti (who was not even my teacher) called me into her room and gave me a speech. She told me that it was not nice to ruin people's creations and that I needed to go apologize to all the children whose feelings I had hurt. And the whole time she was talking, I just sat there in stunned silence thinking to myself, "I can't believe I'm actually getting in trouble. Only the bad kids get in trouble! I'm not bad. I can't be bad. I should never have kicked that fort. That was so bad. This can't be happening, oh no. OH NO."

After her speech, I apologized to the victims of my wrath and then proceeded miserably to my class. I deemed that to be the worst experience of my entire elementary experience thus far. If only I could have seen what was coming in sixth grade...

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