I was also born with some mad spelling skills. Every Friday we would have a spelling test and I would ALWAYS get 100% and I never even had to study.
One Friday, we were in our routine spelling test, when I heard the teacher say, "Number 10: Whose."
My mind went blank. I specifically remember searching for that word in my brain and all I could see was a black screen.
I thought, "Whose? Whose?? I KNOW that word. I have spelled it a million times!! This can't be happening, oh no. OH NO."
And then it happened. I just took one little teeny tiny puny little baby peek at the paper belonging to the girl sitting across from me and there it was, that fateful word: w-h-o-s-e.
And I thought, "Oh yes, of course, W-H-O-S-E. I knew that. I DID."
And then I wrote it down on my paper.
And I felt like poo.
I felt like poo because I knew I had just cheated and even though I really did know the word deep down, I had to cheat to remember it and I just felt like pure, dark poo.
So I made a promise to myself right then and there that I would NEVER cheat again, no matter what the circumstances.
Thus, my moral compass was set even straighter and to this day, I will not cheat. So don't even ask.
First of all, you look kind of extra-terrestrial in this pic, if you know what I mean. And second of all, I have practically an identical story from FOURTH grade, except it was the word doesn't instead of the word whose (ps. I still get who's and whose mixe dup (that was purposeful. Mixe dup) to this very day)). Anyway, I remember Rees Jackson sitting next to me, and he wrote it down without any hesitation at all. I was kind of jealous. Oh wait, it's important to note, however, that before this spelling test, The Teach had told us not to look up at the words which were so publically displayed on posters all over the wall. Which was stupid. Hello? We're in fourth grade! Anyway, I had an intense internal battle for like, a whole minute, and then I finally decided to look up. I copied d-o-e-s-n-'-t down. I CHEATED. And I didn't feel bad at all.