Thursday, October 14, 2010

That girl is fast. And slippery.

Long time no blog.

Dude. Guess where I just got back from.

I'll give you a hint: It involved cowboys.

No, it was not a farm in Idaho.

Hint #2: Country music was ever present.

You got it.

I just went country swing dancing. Is that not the most collegey thing I could do?! You don't know how many young women leaders I have had who met their husbands while country swing dancing in college. Fortunately I was not there to find a mate, and neither was anyone I danced with. So we are all good in that category.

Anyway, as you all know very very well, dancing just does not come naturally to me. In ANY form. Whatsoever. They said, "Oh, it's easy, you just follow the guy. He will swing you around and you just go with it!"

I tried. They were right. There is a lot of flinging. But they were also wrong. It was not easy. And I could not just follow.

But try I did, and even though I totally suck, it was still fun. And kind of adventurous. But mostly fun. And it was even funner (yes that's a word) to watch the people dance. Wow. They were crazy.

And what the crap. Line dances should be easy right? They just repeat themselves over and over. Well all my roomies could pick up on them, but not me. No way jose. I only got one down and it was so beyond easy that a 5 year old could have picked it up. But it was still fun.

I don't get that. How can you have fun doing something you are so terrible at? I will never know. But no matter.

Here is my deep thought for the day (and at my current blogging rate, for the month):

The other day it occurred to me that I love my life. Seriously, I am having so much fun. I feel like all my life I have been waiting for the next big thing. Always looking to the future. Always waiting, waiting, waiting, you know? And now, for the first time EVER in my whole entire life, I feel like I am actually living in the moment. And I am absolutely loving it. It's almost like I am content. But not like just sit there content. I still have dreams and goals and ambitions, and I am still being productive, but I also live in the now. I really don't think I have ever done this before. It's awesome.

You know what it is? It's that I fit in. I fit in with my life.

I hope everyone has a chance to experience this because it is sweet.

I just feel like me.

Yep, life is good.

The end.

P.S. The title of this post is a direct quote from the guy who lives across the hall from us and is a for real member of the country swing dance club thing. When he said that, I about died of laughter. Slippery. Ha!

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