Saturday, October 30, 2010

We are family*

It hit me the other night as I was lying in bed that I LOVE these people. I LOVE my roommates! I'm so lucky to be in a dorm with 5 people that I get along with so well. I love going back home after a long day at school, walking in the door and hearing whoever's home yell "Jeeennnnnnnaaaa!" I love that we all stick around in the evenings and do things as a group. I love how we stand up for each other. I love how I can talk to them about anything and be assured it will never pass from their lips unless I tell them that it can.
I feel bad for the people who don't get along with their roommates, because it definitely happens. That would seriously make my life miserable. My roommates are literally my new family, and like I said before...I LOVE them!
We have a quote wall. Every flippin dorm around here has a quote wall, or some other means of keeping track of funny things that slip out of people's mouths. Do you have a quote wall? Let me share with you some of the delightful things that have graced my ears of late, just for funsies (that's Michelle's term):
"I think I'm gonna be having a party in my bed."
"It'll be cheaper if I just go ahead and kiss him."
"Do you like, blink a lot? Cuz I would."
"Guys, I'm not going to give him a love fern."
"Shut up! Just kidding, don't shut up. I like you."
"Here, let me analy-size your men for you."
As you have probably inferred from the above quotes, there are lots of boy goings-on around here. He likes her but she doesn't like him, she likes him but not his roommate, who likes her. He asked her on a date, was that before or after he asked her on a date? They were just friends, but then he put his arm around her at the concert....
Don't be deterred. It's absolutely NOT drama. You know how much I hate drama. Thankfully, nobody around here is dramatic.
Okay, I've realize that my flow of thought is not flowing so smoothly so I'm going to stop now, for your sake.
Oh PS- I'm forever quoting Lord of the Rings these days. And even though that's basically the only movie I ever quote, everybody just gives me blank stares when I say "What movie is that from?" Except yesterday, Alyse was leaning over to hand me somthing and I said "Reeeaaach!" then, "what movie is that from?"
And Michelle guessed right!
They know me now.
PPS- the spacing isn't working on this thing, so sorry it's just one big mass. You can deal.


  1. And to think you actually wanted bad roommates to "build your character." Puh-lease.

  2. But anyway, I know how you feel. Everyday in my journal I write "tender mercies" and you wouldn't believe how many times I have written my awesome roommates. We are so lucky GP. Wow.
