Monday, November 8, 2010


If you know anything about art, you know that a fresco is a painting painted directly on a wall.

Well that has nothing to do with this post. Fresco is the name of this little fly friend I made while using the toilet today.

I originally named him Albert (after Einstein, of course) but then I found out he was handicapped - both physically and mentally - and I decided Fresco was a better fit. Wouldn't you agree?

Anyway, I was just sitting there, minding my own business, when this little guy slowly crept by. I immediately noticed something was wrong. He wasn't jittery like a normal fly. He was totally calm, just crawling around. That's when I discovered his leg situation.

How many flies does a leg have?

Jk. How many legs does a fly have?




No. Five.

At least, that's how many legs Fresco has. So that probably explains why he walks weird.

But his missing/extra leg does not account for his mental incapabilities. For example: He tried to climb the wall but guess what. He got to the vertical position and fell straight onto his back. Like, straight. Right onto his back. It was so funny. And then he started wiggling his {five} legs around, trying to stand back up. He did not succeed. I left the bathroom with him still struggling to get to his feet.

Approximately 20 minutes later, I remembered poor little Fresco, so I went back in there to check on him.

He's still there.

His {five} legs are still wiggling.

He still can't get up. I didn't offer my assistance. I figured it's his time to die. I can't wait to see what I find tomorrow morning.

Jk. Anyway, what I don't get is why he doesn't fly away. Does his missing/extra leg cause his wings to be dysfunctional or something? That makes absolutely no sense.

Oh well. RIP little Fresco.

1 comment:

  1. It's mildly disturbing that you spend all that time observing a FLY, while on the toilet nonetheless, and form this emotional connection with it, then end up leaving it to die for entertainment. There are so many things wrong with that picture.
