Saturday, November 20, 2010

Misty water-colored memory*

Memory. I'm pretty sure I have the longest one. Plus I remember ridiculous details about life that nobody else thinks twice about. These two things make for a dangerous combination.

I remember Kaylee Lemmon from first grade, who I wasn't even really friends with, and I would know her face anywhere. What do you think she would do if I ran into her one day and said "Kaylee Lemmon! I haven't seen you in forever!" She would probably freeze in her tracks and say "WTF? Who are you?" And then maybe call the police.

I remember Jaqueline Blackburn from kindergarten. I haven't seen her or had anything to do with her for at least 10 years.

I remember Katrina and Jessie and Draco and Kevin... I swear, once I learn a person's name I NEVER forget it.

I overhear conversations a lot. And I never forget those either. They tend to contain minute details about random peoples' lives that are generally unimportant, but I remember them nonetheless.

Let me tell you a funny story.

There is this boy named Jared Broadbent in my ward who I'd probably said 3 words to before last week. He didn't know my name, where I'm from, or anything about me at all and probably forgot right after I told him.

I know his name is Jared Broadbent. I know he chose to live in Broadbent hall soley because it matches his last name. I know that he's from Ontario. I know that he's still only 17 and his birthday is in December. I know that he's dating Brynna Stabenow. I know that he's addicted to these little Mexican drinks called Noritos or something.

The other day, I ran into him while walking to class and I started talking to him, and subsequently he started talking to me. But I didn't mention to him that I basically knew enough about him to write a biography. Because that would just be weird and he would think that I was a stalker.

Anyway, that's just one example. There are a billion people that I know that don't know me. It's kind of sad, really. I have all this information that I don't know what to do with.

Everyone should be REALLY happy that I'm not a terrorist or something.

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