Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hi. Nice to meet you. Will you marry me?

We had our first "normal" day of church for the semester on Sunday. By normal, I mean we met at our normal time, with just our ward, doing all the normal classes, with people my age teaching, and not fasting.

Let me enlighten you on what a singles ward is like.

They are trying to marry you off.

It's true.

And it's awkward.

First talk of the first normal Sunday. Guess what it was on. Marriage.

I feel bad for the girl who had to give it.

Second talk: Ward unity.

Third talk: Marriage. No lie.

What the crap! The MAJORITY of us are freshmen and the two who aren't are ALREADY ENGAGED. One couple just got engaged last week.

Give us a break! We just graduated high school. Let us live a little. Please.

So I was pretty much disturbed and I think I will never go back.

Jk jk, I would never go inactive.


But it's also disturbing that within a week - A WEEK - of being up here, there were already couples being bf/gf. How can you be like that with someone you just found out existed 6 days ago?!

I guess there is good reason for giving us these marriage talks after all.

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