Saturday, September 4, 2010

I say tomato....

This first week and a half of college life has been superb. But the best part is being roomies with UK.

She's introduced quite a number of little English terms to us, her thoroughly American roommates. For example:

6:30=half six
definitely=for definite
to call=to phone
dollar bill=big note
crap=rubbish/crazy talk

Noteworthy moments:

The other night, Cali jumped out from behind a door and made a scary noise. The first thing UK said was "That was so unnecessary!"

UK laughed her head off when I said "back in the day."

She's appalled by the giant American food portions around here.

She couldn't believe that our papers get hole punched 3 times. There's only a 2 hole punch in England.

Apparently there are no such things as parades in England either.

She ate toast with an egg and baked beans on it yesterday for dinner.

And everyone we meet is basically in love with her at first sound, because they're enthralled with her accent.

No fair.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so thrilled you are experiencing a foreign roommate too. I loved it. That reminds me, I need to write to Lavoisier.
