Last week, Stats asked if I wanted to join her and her friend (we shall call him Mr. Pod since he is the one that made the comment from yesterday's post) on a nighttime hike.
Now, I know the only reason I get invited to do anything like this is because I'm the one with a car and they need a ride. So they "invite" me. And then I drive. It's a win-win. Usually.
We got to the start of the trail at 9:00 pm and began our trek.
Our goal: Wind Cave.
We made it to our destination a little after 10. It was magnificent.
The cave was actually really more like a tunnel because you could go all the way through it.
Anyway, you could sit in it and look out at the canyon. Or you could sit on top and see all the stars AND the canyon. So that's what we did.
Here's where the awkward comes in.
We were all sitting there on the rock, when Stats decides to go lay down on this flat rock a few feet away so she can get a better view. Two seconds later, Mr. Pod decides to join her on that rock. So those two were laying on that rock over there and I was just sitting over here alone on this other rock.
And then they were being all weird. They were constantly doing this bantery-fake/realish-arguing stuff. And they would just laugh really hard at absolutely nothing and it was just strange. It was like they didn't actually think it was funny, but they were just in the mood to laugh so they would force it out and act like they weren't forcing it.
But it was obvious.
So I just sat there in silence on my own and pretended they weren't there.
But it gets worse.
Around 11 we were kind of done looking at the stars/canyon, so we stood to leave.
(P.S. Conversations in this post are not directly quoted.)
Stats: Oh I'm so tired. . . I feel dizzy. . . I can't hike all the way down tonight. . . I don't want to fall off the mountain. . . Let's just sleep in the cave.
Mr. Pod: Ya! Let's do. That would be awesome.
Me: No flippin way am I sleeping in a cave. It is way too cold. I won't be able to sleep at all. Besides, that is just weird.
Stats: Come on. I can't hike all the way back down. It would be fun! You could tell all your friends you slept in a cave.
Me: Uh. No. Are you kidding me? No.
Stats: Well, we have the flashlight and you can't just hike all the way down by yourself.
I lost.
So we went down in the cave and guess what. Stats and Mr. Pod proceeded to lay down on the cave floor, in the middle of the dirt. Like they were actually planning on getting some sleep!
So I found a clean little jut in the wall of the cave and sat down.
Stats and Mr. Pod: You're going to be cold over there. Come lay down by us and we can all keep each other warm. You won't get any sleep if you sit there the whole time.
Me: Uh, I'm not planning on sleeping. I'm just going to sit here all night until you two decide you can hike back down. I'll sleep tomorrow.
And thus we sat/laid there in silence.
Around midnight, we heard voices. Then a flashlight shined down on us. But guess what. I was the only one visible because Stats and Mr. Pod were laying behind this wall thing.
So this group of hikers start checking everything out while my hiking buddies sit up and dust off.
The hikers said a few things to us, and Stats and Mr. Pod responded from behind their wall.
Then I heard a girl from those hikers say, "Is she alone?"
And a guy responded, "No, I think there's a guy with her."
Since I'm the only one they can see, they think it's me and some guy just sitting there in the cave in the silent darkness. Uh. Ya I felt dumb.
Fortunately, these hikers caused my own two friends to realize the awkwardness of the whole situation and suddenly they felt like they had enough energy to hike down the mountain tonight, without fainting or falling off.
Thank you. But next time, do you think you could find your energy reserves a little sooner so we don't have to go through this strangeness again?
Thank you.
So down we hiked. And then I had to drive them home in silence while they soiled my seats with the dirt that stuck to them as they laid on the cave floor.
Let's just say, this little adventure we had was so not worth it.