Tuesday, August 10, 2010

That's nasty. I'm gonna go throw up. In 305. Where the hot water doesn't work.

Yesterday I went to another movie.

I swear all I do these days is go to movies. And I never get to pick them either. It's always one of my roommates that wants to see something and they ask if I want to come. I don't want to be responsible for my roommates' loneliness in the theater! So I always say yes.

Last night it was The Karate Kid.

I was not excited to see it. I thought it would be dumb. But I was wrong.

I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it and I am not lying.

I've never seen the first one, so that may be why, but no matter. I still liked it.

Yes, the kid was a little brat and needed to learn some manners, but he was so cute. And I loved his mom.

I loved how he cried when his teacher told him about the car accident that killed his fam. It was adorable.

I also loved when they were climbing all those stairs on the mountain to get to the magic water, and then they reached the top and the kid just slammed his head in the water and while he was drinking he gripped the side of the bowl thing. It was hilarious.

And when he tried to control his mom with his mind. That was cute.

And when he took that music girl for a fun afternoon. Ah, it was just great.

And when he says "agua" for water. To the chinese people. Ha.

You should watch it.

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