Thoughts from Thursday on My Face
As you all know very well, my "normal" face can come off as not so normal.
More like plain ornery.
I'm sorry. I was born like that and sometimes it's kind of hard to just change things you were born with on a whim, you know?
But guess what.
I have.
I know, shocking. Over the past few months, I have become increasingly aware of my facial expression at every second of the day. It's kind of exhausting to try to look pleasant and interested at all times. All times. Even if I am just sitting there.
Now, I am far from perfect on my face here, but I have greatly improved. I have 2 pieces of evidence that qualify me to make this announcement.
1. It has been quite awhile since I have heard anything such as, "You know, it doesn't hurt to smile..." or anything else of the sort.
2. My institute teacher has commented on my smile. . . wait for it. . . four times! I repeat: FOUR TIMES. And he doesn't just whip out these smile comments to everyone as they walk out the door; I have listened to make sure of that. Nope, I am the only one he has said that to. Not once, not twice, but four times.
Oh let's make it three pieces of evidence:
3. When I look at people as I walk down the street with my pleasant face on, they smile and say hi to me, often times before I even do it.
Is that not great?
Now I have some visual evidence. I love that phrase "visual evidence." That's why I use it on as many posts as I can. And I was having some major problems getting these pics so sorry for the tiny size.
Okay maybe I'm getting a little too good at my face. Let's try for a more normal one.
You see that? I am getting better...
You need a haircut.