Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Lizard is a No Go: Meet Seth

As promised, Stats and I went to the pet store yesterday in search of some crickets and a lizard.

But who knew lizards are 75 dollars??

We didn't get one.

We got Seth instead. He was only 7 dollars.

7 dollars of pure amphibian adorableness! He likes to take baths in his water.

And hang out on his misty wall. Look at the little suction cups at the end of his finger things. They are awesome.

And look at these precious eyes.

Guess what Seth likes to eat...

Yes those are living, breathing crickets. They are absolutely DISGUSTING.

But apparently Seth finds them appetizing in the most delicious way. This is what he looks like just seconds before he EATS one. That is correct, we witnessed a murder. It was so cool. He slowly crept over and sat there in the middle of the cage as you see below. He sat super still for 10 whole seconds and then BAM he just whipped out and snatched a poor little cricket before he even knew what was coming! Then his body did all these weird things to get his food down. It was so crazy.

Oh the great times we will have with our new dorm member. But really I don't think we are allowed to have pets. Let's just keep this on the down low, okay?

P.S. What gender do you think little Seth is?

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