Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Guess What I Saw Today

How to Train Your Dragon.

I told you, with all the movies I'm seeing these days, I could basically become the president of Rotten Tomatoes on demand and give you the reviews.

This one gets 4.9 out of 5 stars. (You can never get 5. Really.)

I was laughing basically the whole time.

And I think something is wrong with me. At the end when it's getting all intense, I was totally stressing out! It's a cartoon for crying out loud. It's obvious how it's going to end.

But I just let myself get a little too into it. I think I'm going to give myself an ulcer with all this high adventure in my life.

My 2 favorite lines were:

1. Ya, I know, right? Pain. Looove it.
2. And the spinning. Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile.

So funny. He says that second one with absolutely no emotion at all and I just died laughing.

I think I'm easily entertained.

But who wouldn't be for 3 dollars?

It's a good thing college starts in 2 short weeks.

I need my life back.

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