Friday, December 31, 2010


Oh my gosh! Right now I am enjoying my last 15 minutes in 2010.

It's OVER!!! This is absolutely crazy. Much happened this year and overall I'd say it was swell.

I have quite a few goals in store for me for 2011, but unfortunately none of them include blogging.

So don't get your hopes up.

How about one final photograph to send 2010 away with a smile...

Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Not to abuse my blogging privileges, but....*

...this is amazing.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Home isn't home anymore*

Do you feel weird when you come home home? I feel like a completely different person--like the person I was before college. Like a freind-lacking home-body. And I can't even believe that I am the same person who was running into different people every five minutes and stopping to talk yesterday, or that I was lounging on the couch laughing and joking with everyone last night, or that I spent two hours in a snowball fight with my roommates and a dozen other friends until 1 a.m--TODAY.

And now I'm home. Nobody here knows anybody there, so I can't tell stories effectively, because nobody really cares about stories that star people they've never seen before. I'm so bored.

This is crazy. I want to be THERE.

Who would have ever thought?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Ode to H2O

Bah! Since it's past midnight, I feel I have the liberty to do another post and call it Friday's. But consider it in the context of Thursday night when I say things like the following...

This is my last night being roomies with H2O!! It's been real. It's been fun. And it's been real fun. Jk.

Anyway. H2O is moving back home for good tomorrow (aka Friday). Never to come back. Isn't that the saddest news you have heard all hour?

I'm going to miss her, that's for sure. We've had some good times.

Around here, I am the one who eats the pizza crust. If we get pizza, I just sit there and watch the roomies eat and when they are done, they pass the crust over to me. I love it.

One time I came home from work and H2O said to me, "There's something for you on your shelf."

I went over to the cupboard where I keep my food and found a little ziplock baggie that said "Brittan's Crust" and had a little pizza crust in it. She had saved me the crust from her pizza! It was the cutest thing ever. I ate it immediately and was 100% satisfied. Mm.

One time we just stood face to face for like an hour pretending to slap each other in the face while making random sound effects like snorting and whistling. She kept freaking out and I was like, "What the cram, I'm not going to hit you!" And then I really did hit her. It was the funniest thing ever. I practically peed my pants.

That same night, she taught me all the Rape Aggression Defense moves she knows. So don't even think about raping me because I can defend myself, no doubt about that.

We both like Sons of Provo and there is not a day that goes by that it is not quoted. In fact, we just memorized the confirmation number from the hotel scene and now we can quote it without any help. Watch: "Confirmation number 78391048671098512, that's our confirmation number! They gave it to somebody else." Dude. Funniest movie ever.

For some reason we have been quoting Emperor's New Groove NON-STOP for the past week. I swear, that movie has the most applicable lines to any and every situation! One night we were even acting it out and H2O full on did the creepy Kronk-stealing-Cuzco thing complete with the "ohhwawaawawawa" against the wall (you know which part I am talking about?). It was 2 am and I think part of her brain had already gone to sleep. But it was hilarious.

Just tonight we parked behind a car that had an Obama bumper sticker. H2O said, "Obama?!" Her tone was exactly like Ezma when she says, "A llama?!" So right after she said that we both said, at the same time, "Obama?! He's supposed to be dead!" It was totally awesome! And then we got out of the car and she basically stepped in an ice river. Bah!

Oh man. The memories we have of this semester are so rad. I can't believe it's over. For real. When I come back from Christmas, H2O is not coming with me. I'm getting a new roomie! That is just so weird.

Goodbye H2O! You will be missed.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Workin Hard or Hardly Workin

Finals week is over!!!!!!!!!!


I feel old and accomplished. One semester down, 7+ more to go. Can you believe I'm going to start my SECOND semester of college in less than one month?! This is crazy. Time flies, I tell you.

Welllll here's the deal. I am not much of a studier. At all.

It is so boring and time consuming and lame.

Unfortunately, I had no choice this week because there is NO WAY I would have passed my stats final if I had not spent hours on end going over practice problems and previous exams.

However, I did learn at least one good thing from all this and that is how to take an effective break from studying.

After a long, semi-productive Monday of finals preparation, The Hybrid and I decided we needed to put a little joy back into our lives. And what better way to do that than a nice visit to the cemetery!


But this was no ordinary visit. We full on dressed up in black and mentally prepared ourselves to mourn. It was awesome.

We walked through the cemetery looking at the headstones and thinking about death. And what would a trip to the graveyard be without an owl hooting the night away? It was perfect.

It lasted only a short time, and then it was back to studying.

So if you ever get so fed up with studying that you can't handle yourself, find the nearest cemetery and enter immediately. It helps. I totally passed my final.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The 13th is the new 24th

Wow, apparently GP is way too deep for me. That's what happens when I go to USU and she goes to BYU. She surpasses me on the intelligence level. I don't even know what to think about that last post, let alone say about it.

On that note, please enjoy this story of my life:

On Saturday I went to the mall all by myself to get the finishing touches for the gifts for my roomies. I bought a bunch of little things from a bunch of little stores which meant I had a bunch of little bags in my hand.

So I pulled up to my dorm and decided to simplify a bit. I dumped the contents of the Claire's bag into the Walmart bag and then put the Claire's bag in the dumpster.

3 minutes later I was in my room dumping everything out on my bed, ready to wrap it all. I started wrapping Miss C.'s present when I stopped dead in my tracks.

A ring was supposed to accompany her gift. It was nowhere to be found. I searched and searched, on my bed, under my blanket, under my bed, in every nook, in every crack.


Then my mind replayed the moment three minutes before when I put that Claire's bag in the dumpster.

Oh. No.

So I rushed downstairs, out the door, and over to the dumpster. Opening the lid all the way, I could easily see where the bag had landed, toward the back of the bin.

But of course I couldn't reach it.

I had one option.

Oh. Yes.

I climbed in the dumpster. No lie. My entire body. In the dumpster.

I grabbed the bag and opened it.

No ring.


Then I had to climb back out of the dumpster, walk back up to the third floor, into my room, and search my stuff, AGAIN.

And guess what. It was right there in the bag with all my other gifts. No prob whatsoever finding it.


I don't know when you were in a dumpster last, but let me tell you, it is not pleasant. In fact, it's repulsive.

So, with the ring in place, I proceeded to wrap all my gifts and then I put them all under the tree.

And guess what! Tomorrow is our dorm Christmas, which means today = Christmas Eve!

We are going to make sugar cookies and leave some out for Santa. I am so thrilled.

Would you like to see how we do Christmas here in 303?

The Tree.

The Gingerbread Houses. Do you see my little Rudolph?

The Thankful Snowmen.

The Fireplace. Yes, one stocking is missing. It will arrive this afternoon.

And of course we have the usuals as well, including Christmas lights, a wreath, etc.

Christmas is Heaven on Earth, I tell you.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Save the children. The right way.*


On Thursday at 9:30 a.m. I had my very last Social Work 200 class of my life. It's been real. It's been fun. But it hasn't been real fun.

Anyway, my professor, Dr. Roby (who is kind of a big deal out there in the real world. She does all sorts of international research and policy on child welfare and is kind of famous) was talking about humanitiarian groups who "swoop into third world countries to save the children" thinking that they're doing all this good and making a difference in the world, when really, they're only messing things up. Let me tell you why:

1. Attachment. You can't just go to Africa for a week or a month or even a year and become bffs with this little brown-eyed African child and form this great bond. Because guess what happens when you leave and never see the kid again? They're devastated. And then some other humanitarian organization comes in and it happens all over again. Pretty soon the poor kid gets messed up and has all these attachment problems and will probably never have a normal relationship with anyone again.

2. Orphanages. Orphanages are bad. They're like, the last resort for a child who needs a home. Did you know the 80% of kids in orphanages have families? Their families just put them in the orphanage because they thought that they'd be better off there. Which is partially true if the parents don't have any food and can't provide for their kid AT ALL. But underdeveloped countries are trying to change that about themselves. They've finally learned that they need to intervene at the FAMILY level and help the PARENTS be able to provide a good home for their kids. And it's working. They're getting rid of orphanages slowly but surely.

But then guess what happens? Stupid do-good humanitarian organizations come in and build them right back up again! We're so dumb!

Anyway, it was a lovely lightbulb moment for me. Like, HEEELLLOOO? Who's letting these humanitarian groups go in and ruin everything?? Somebody needs to EDUCATE them!! Somebody needs to help them CHANGE THEIR PLAN. Because humanitarian work isn't a bad thing. It's a good thing. But we're just not applying it to the right place.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Men on a Mission*

You knew me in highschool. I had plently of friends, but they were all girl friends. I can't honestly say that I had one real guy friend, they were mostly just cordial acquaintances. But here in my new fancy-schmancy college life, I can say just the opposite without even lying to you. Most of the people I say hi to on campus, most (in fact virtually all in this case) of the people that chill out in our kitchen on a daily basis, and most of the people that I spend my time with on weekend nights are guys. This lifestyle turnaround has my head spinning.

Unfortunately I think another turnaround is headed my way, because a good solid half of the boys around here are leaving on their missions in January, which means that I only get to spend a short week and half more with them. Have you inferred the implications of this situation?

I won't see them for two years. They probably won't even remember me when they get home. I'll be an insignificant grain of sand on their path toward finding a marriage partner. Actually, I'll probably never even see most of them EVER again since I'm going to be busy capturing the hearts of the Africans and Cambodians with my global phenomenonality.

What an interesting cultural paradigm we Mormons possess.

p.s.- I was just informed today that a club for the prevention of human trafficking is starting up here! Can you believe it? It's like a dream come true!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy December!

I know this post is a whole day late and that is probably hard to believe, due to the fact that I was 100% ready for December the very MINUTE it arrived.

But late it is and here is why:

1. I have been quite busy as of late doing real homework for once. Yesterday I wrote my last paper of the semester. I am cool.

But guess what. I actually haven't written a real paper since my Junior year of high school. I didn't have to do one citation page or bibliography or ANYTHING all semester. How ridiculous is that? I can feel myself getting dumber by the day. All my papers are pretty much essays of my opinion and they don't even have to be intelligent. I was expecting a little more out of college, I'm not gonna lie.

2. So, speaking of my paper. It was on The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch, what he thought was important in life, and what I think is important in life. Have you seen it? It's pretty good. I liked it. He said a lot of awesome things, including the following about some important guy in his life: "He's forgotten more than I'll ever know." I love that.

He also said, "If you do the right thing, good stuff has a way of happening." Quite true.

3. The roomies. Sometimes I just get so distracted by them and my blog goes unnoticed. Would you like to hear what we have done in the last 48 hours?

a. Miss C. cooked and ate an artichoke. Have you ever seen a real artichoke? It is the weirdest thing. In the middle there is this fuzzy stuff that's like a brush. And it's edible. It is so strange. What's even weirder is that we could not find the heart. I swear it didn't have one. Wait, maybe the brush thing was supposed to be the heart. Hm.

b. The Hybrid did workouts in the middle of the hall and up and down the stairs and I was her trainer. Again, I am cool.

c. Then The Hybrid and Miss C. jumped over a chair repeatedly.

d. We took turns jumping from the stairs like superman into each other's arms.

e. The tele has been showing America's Next Top Model and Donkey Kong as of late.

f. Last night me, The Rock, and The Hybrid played a real game of soccer in the hall. It was intense. Those two against me. The final score was something like 18 to 6. But if you think about it, I basically scored half their goals for them so...ya. My whole toe on my right foot is a bruise. It's totally sweet. But at 12:30ish in the morning we were forced to stop because apparently there are quiet hours in this dorm that had started 2 and a half hours earlier and other residents were trying to study/sleep. Whatev.

g. And finally, my mama let me borrow the video camera so we have been documenting college life. I think every college dorm should have a video camera. It is pretty much the funnest thing on the face of the planet.

Thus my blog is neglected. But it's December so all is well.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Peace Out

There are only 10 minutes of November left!

I just thought you might like to know so you can make the most of it. Because once it's gone, it's never coming back, yo.


Make the most of it.

I certainly will.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

West coast represent, now put your hands up!*

Why don't I live here?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Actually I've been living in Aruba for the past 18 years where the natural resources list consists of sun, sand, sea, and surf, so beat that sucka.

As we are all well aware, I was minimally involved in high school. Aka: I did nothing. And I honestly, truly, 100% did not have a problem with it. I was positive that I would not regret it.

Well, here's the deal. I was wrong.

I do regret it. But not for the reasons you would think.

Actually I regret it for a pretty selfish, stupid reason and that reason is this:

I wish I would have done something just so I could say I did it. Because you would not believe how many times people say, "So what did you do in high school?"




And it doesn't help that all my roomies were freakin overinvolved!

We just had our visiting teachers come over and they were like, "Let's just go around and say what we did in high school."

Miss C.: Well I was on drill all three years, and I did basketball Junior and Senior year, and softball the first two years, but not Senior year, I did track instead. And then Senior year I was on student government. . . . .

The Rock: I did basketball all three years and volleyball the first two years and track and student government and Senior year I did soccer. . . . .

Me: I did nothing. Actually I did golf one year. Oh ya, I volunteered. That's it.


How flippin stupid is that?!

Why didn't I just become president of the recycling club or something? At least! What the freak.

A word of advice to all you high school attendees out there: Just do something. Even if you don't want to, just do it. It doesn't even matter what it is. You'll thank me in college when people don't think you were a backwards hermit who slept under a tree and ate crabs her whole high school existence.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Misty water-colored memory*

Memory. I'm pretty sure I have the longest one. Plus I remember ridiculous details about life that nobody else thinks twice about. These two things make for a dangerous combination.

I remember Kaylee Lemmon from first grade, who I wasn't even really friends with, and I would know her face anywhere. What do you think she would do if I ran into her one day and said "Kaylee Lemmon! I haven't seen you in forever!" She would probably freeze in her tracks and say "WTF? Who are you?" And then maybe call the police.

I remember Jaqueline Blackburn from kindergarten. I haven't seen her or had anything to do with her for at least 10 years.

I remember Katrina and Jessie and Draco and Kevin... I swear, once I learn a person's name I NEVER forget it.

I overhear conversations a lot. And I never forget those either. They tend to contain minute details about random peoples' lives that are generally unimportant, but I remember them nonetheless.

Let me tell you a funny story.

There is this boy named Jared Broadbent in my ward who I'd probably said 3 words to before last week. He didn't know my name, where I'm from, or anything about me at all and probably forgot right after I told him.

I know his name is Jared Broadbent. I know he chose to live in Broadbent hall soley because it matches his last name. I know that he's from Ontario. I know that he's still only 17 and his birthday is in December. I know that he's dating Brynna Stabenow. I know that he's addicted to these little Mexican drinks called Noritos or something.

The other day, I ran into him while walking to class and I started talking to him, and subsequently he started talking to me. But I didn't mention to him that I basically knew enough about him to write a biography. Because that would just be weird and he would think that I was a stalker.

Anyway, that's just one example. There are a billion people that I know that don't know me. It's kind of sad, really. I have all this information that I don't know what to do with.

Everyone should be REALLY happy that I'm not a terrorist or something.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Moted at Chick-fil-a

Last night I went to bed at the semi decent hour of 12:45ish, which is actually quite early. (Considering the fact that the night before, I went to bed at 4am.)

I was doing my own thing in slumber land when suddenly I am woken up. I don't know how I woke up. I don't know why I roll over. But when I do, I see two people standing over me.

Me: What are you doing?
The Hybrid: Um. Okay, Chick-fil-a is opening this morning and the first fifty people get a free meal for a whole year. So we want to go and we were wondering if you want to come with us, since you have a car..."

What the?

Me: What time is it?
The Hybrid: 3ish.
Me: Uhhhh.
Miss C.: You could get free Chick-fil-a for a year too.
Me: When is this?
The Hybrid: Well, they open at 6, but we don't know if people are camping out...
Me: You want to go now???
Miss C.: Well, ya, or like 4?
Me: You guys are insane. Fine. How bout I just sleep in the car while you do your thing.

You should have seen them when I said okay. They were in shock.

So I got out of bed, put some sweats and a coat on, grabbed my pillow and blanket, and left my room. I left it! At 3am. I am so nice sometimes.

We got in the car and drove down there and sure enough, there were a bunch of tents set up in the parking lot.

We didn't really know what was going on or how this all worked, so we sent The Hybrid out to investigate. Thus the picture above. Do you see that person standing at the door of the tent on the right? That's her. She's a creeper.

After checking things out, she got back in the car to report that the people were asleep.

So, Miss C. was like, "Well let's just go out there and talk to those guys over there."

(There were some people awake, standing more by the building.)

So the Hybrid was getting out of the car when this guy walked over. Apparently he asked her something, but I don't remember/didn't hear. All I know is what she said, "Ya, we were wondering, where does the line begin?"

Guy: This is the line. There are 110 people in there and they have been there since 5:30 yesterday morning.


I am now missing an hour of sleep, and a year's worth of Chick-fil-a. Thus is my life.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I was stressed but I did my best on that messed up test...and I was blessed!*

I'd just like to announce that I got 87% on my Physical Science test yesterday. You may be thinking "Who cares? GP always gets in the 80% range on her tests." Well let me tell you now that this was not just a test. It was a monster. It was chemistry. I did not take chemistry in high school. On top of that, my Physical Science teacher sucks face, and I learn absolutely nothing in her class. This is a miracle I tell you, a miracle.

Let me explain to you what I did to prepare....
I read chapters 18-20 in the text book (the test was over chapters 18-25). I went to the TA lab and looked over my previous test. I read chapters 21-22. I went back to the TA lab and spent half an hour asking annoying questions about chemistry. I read chapter 23. I went to Heidi's 2 hour review. I visited the TA lab AGAIN and spent 45 minutes in there clarifying chemestricial concepts. I went to Chloe's review for 2 hours. I read chapters 23-24. I left 45 minutes early to go to Chad's review and nearly got myself trampled to death trying to get a decent seat. I spent an hour and a half in Chad's review. I went home and read some more. Yesterday, I went to the top of the JFSB and studied my notes for an hour.
Then I resigned myself to the fact that I was going to fail this test, because even the smartest person I know in that class only got 70%. I walked right over to that testing center, sat down, and I TOOK THAT TEST. I spent an hour and a half reading and re-reading questions and answers. I referred back to the periodic table like, 2o times. I pulled all the properties of ionic, metallic, and covalent bonds out of my brain. I remembered that bigger molecules have a higher melting point because they have stronger dispersion forces. I spent a good 15 minutes trying to recall from Chad's review if higher frequency light created a bigger or a smaller band gap. I poured every fiber of my being into that test,

and I got a B+!

That's unheard of!
And I'm just now realizing that I actually kind of enjoyed it.
I enjoyed studying and thinking, remembering it all for the test, and then celebrating when it all paid off! It gives me hope that I can actually do things that I never thought I could do.

Friday, November 12, 2010

White Privilege

Miss C. on top, then from the left it's H2O, The Rock, The Hybrid, and Me.

I have been thinking a lot lately about the fact that I am white. Well, actually, I have been thinking about the fact that I never think about my being white.

Okay here's the deal. I have a roomie who is called The Rock for the purposes of this blog. She is Mexican. Today I asked her a question worded somewhat like this:

"Is the fact that you are Mexican always at the back of your mind? Like, I never ever think about the fact that I am white. It doesn't even occur to me. But do you think about how you are not white like everyone else?"

Remember that barbecue I attended in the summer that was for Mexicans? I told her about that and how it was so obvious to me that I was different and it did not feel normal.

She said, "I have just the thing for you to read. It talks about that exact thing."

She went in her room and brought out this article for me to read.

If you are not busy, read it. Actually, even if you are busy, read it. It is kind of long, but it is so interesting! There are things in there that I had never thought about (until now, which is what prompted my question) and I agree with a lot of it.

Just being white gives me so many advantages that I never even realized. And I feel exactly how it said about white not being a race. I don't even feel like I have a race, you know?

It's just weird to think about how much my being white is affecting my life without me noticing. Wow. I just can't grasp it.

Please read the article and tell me what you think.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fresco's Brother/Cousin/Uncle/Neighbor

Remember Fresco from the other day?

Apparently messed-up-ness runs in the family of the flies at this dorm. Check out this video of Fresco's Brother/Cousin/Uncle/Neighbor that I took today:

I met him while sitting on the toilet, of course. But when I saw him he was on his side, scooting in circles with his front legs. It was the weirdest thing. By the time I got back to the bathroom to record him, he had managed to kind of get upright and drag himself a little more efficiently.

Now he is dead. No lie.

As you can imagine, I am moderately concerned. Two flies show up in the bathroom with crippled/missing/extra legs and they twitch and turn and be all freaky and not normal and then they both die of natural causes??! Something is not right.

This calls for an investigation.

Maybe there is something poisonous in our carpet that messes up their development and makes them all crazy. I have no idea.

Hey, whatever is killing the flies is probably killing my poor plante! Okay we need to get to the bottom of this asap.

2 things:

1. Make sure you don't get too bored while watching the video and watch it to the very end because that's the best part. He starts creeping toward the camera and then he turns and shows his mad skills at dragging his back legs.

2. I was about to revel in my awesomeness at the first video on my blog but then I remembered that GP already beat me to it. Lame. But it's still cool.

And don't think I'm a freak for filming this. It's only natural. You would have done it too.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Dormie Lingo

Among the many things I have learned in my college living, an entirely new language has been brought to my attention. This is the Dormie Lingo. It originates in West side Kearns. Let me teach you a bit:

Actually, before I teach you, let me just say, I know most of these words are not strictly Kearns and were commonly heard at my very own high school. So don't be like, "That ain't no West side speakin! I hear dat all ova yo!" I'm just saying that since living here, I have heard this language to an extreme extent. Like, this is how they talk on a daily basis. I don't say these words. I would feel like a wanna be gangsta.


Tight: Cool. Not just any cool. This is like actually cool. Like, thas tight. No, that "thas" is not a typo. That's how you say it. Thas tight.

Bomb: Good. Basically only used when describing how someone does something. Dude, I'm bomb at hand stands. Well, I guess it could describe other things, too. Dude, that soup was bomb.

Moted: Kind of like our "dis," only it's a little different and instead, it's moted. For example, today we were at Sam's Club and I was in line and a cashier opened up. It was my turn so I started walking over there, but this little girl went up right in front of me and the cashier helped her instead. So my peeps said moted. Ya get?

Legit: Cool. Cooler than tight. Cool is a bad way to describe it. It's kind of like a classy cool. Legitimate. I know this one is way common even down yonder, but it's just used all the time around here so I thought I'd share.

Put {someone} on blast: When you bring something up that forces someone else to explain something they didn't want to in front of a group. . . then you put them on blast. You know what I mean, homie? Say I see H2O break a plate, but she doesn't really want anyone to know. Later that night all the roomies are chillin, talking about clumsiness and I say something like, "Well H2O can top us all with what she did just today." Then everyone is all curious and she has to explain about her breaking the plate. I put her on blast. Does that make sense? It's a bad example, but you get the point, ya?

That's another thing they say, ya?

Trippy: Weird. Thas trippy. It was trippy. It wasn't scary, it was just. . . trippy.

Sidecrack: When someone comments in on someone else's conversation, they are a sidecrack.

Take it up the butt: When someone gets all offended at something or kind of pouty at something, they are taking it up the butt. It was annoying, but I didn't take it up the butt. She kind of took it up the butt.

On top of using these words/phrases in normal conversation, they speak gangster all the time. It's quite funny.

And then there's me. I'm just a white girl who don't speak no gangsta. And please slap me if I ever try cuz I would just look like a freak.

Monday, November 8, 2010


If you know anything about art, you know that a fresco is a painting painted directly on a wall.

Well that has nothing to do with this post. Fresco is the name of this little fly friend I made while using the toilet today.

I originally named him Albert (after Einstein, of course) but then I found out he was handicapped - both physically and mentally - and I decided Fresco was a better fit. Wouldn't you agree?

Anyway, I was just sitting there, minding my own business, when this little guy slowly crept by. I immediately noticed something was wrong. He wasn't jittery like a normal fly. He was totally calm, just crawling around. That's when I discovered his leg situation.

How many flies does a leg have?

Jk. How many legs does a fly have?




No. Five.

At least, that's how many legs Fresco has. So that probably explains why he walks weird.

But his missing/extra leg does not account for his mental incapabilities. For example: He tried to climb the wall but guess what. He got to the vertical position and fell straight onto his back. Like, straight. Right onto his back. It was so funny. And then he started wiggling his {five} legs around, trying to stand back up. He did not succeed. I left the bathroom with him still struggling to get to his feet.

Approximately 20 minutes later, I remembered poor little Fresco, so I went back in there to check on him.

He's still there.

His {five} legs are still wiggling.

He still can't get up. I didn't offer my assistance. I figured it's his time to die. I can't wait to see what I find tomorrow morning.

Jk. Anyway, what I don't get is why he doesn't fly away. Does his missing/extra leg cause his wings to be dysfunctional or something? That makes absolutely no sense.

Oh well. RIP little Fresco.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Isn't that the cutest word you have ever heard? It's spanish. So if you don't think it's cute, you're probably not pronouncing it right.

I found it on the nutrition facts of a bag of brown sugar.

Guess what it means.


H2O was present when I discovered that delightful word. I couldn't stop saying it. I decided I'm going to call my Chica that from now on. Little Cucharadita. It's so adorable!

Anyway, H2O stole the brown sugar from me.

Me: Give it back!!
H2O: No.
Me: Now! (Unsuccessful attempt at grabbing bag.)
H2O: No.
Me: Give it to me little cucharadita.
H2O: Thank you!
Me: For what?
H2O: You called me teaspoon. That was cute.

What? That wasn't funny to you? You had to be there. But since you weren't, I'll show you something else.

This video just cracks me up every time.

Fav line: Sorry dad. . . . my white friends.


If you decided to enlighten yourself by watching it, I would recommend pausing it at the beginning and letting it buffer so it doesn't keep stopping throughout. Ifyouknowwhatimean.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


This past week, these white spots started appearing on my legs. I looked it up online and the only thing it that could be is a disease called Vitiligo. Yeah...that's the disease that Michael Jackson had. It turned him white.

So, I'm kind of freaking out right now. I definately do not want to turn into a splotchy dalmation. I mean, look at this:

Anyway, speaking of Michael Jackson, yesterday, when I ran into a certain someone-someone, he told me about his dream, which involved Michael Jackson. It was basically the funniest dream I've ever heard in my life. I was laughing my head off.

Oh, and speaking of dreams, last night I dreamed that I had this tall blonde boyfriend. And then all the sudden I was pregnant. And then one day I was like, I can't feel the baby moving anymore. And I ended up having a stillborn! Isn't that SO sad? Basically the crappiest dream ever.

My life is pretty much a mixture of marvel and misery right now.

Friday, November 5, 2010

I Know Where You Sleep

You know how people say that? Well I think someone said that to me recently, only they actually meant it, because the other morning, I woke up to find this:

Now, before you go judging, let me just say, this picture DOES NOT do it justice. I can't get the lighting right or something. So it's much worse in real life.


I got this giant bruise thing right above my foot! I have absolutely no idea where it came from.

I went to sleep like a normal human and all was well. Then I woke up to behold that.

Someone beat me in my sleep and there is plenty of evidence. Plenty.

In fact, it has now been a weekish and it is still there. What the freak? Is there some sort of creepy something roaming the world at night trying to strangle people by their ankles?

Fortunately, I have a high pain tolerance so this little boo boo hasn't bothered me too much. In fact, I like to look at it because it really does look bad.

I guess the point of the story is to watch your back because you never know where/when something will strike out and leave its mark on your body.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Voy a ir a Mexico!!!!!


So. It's basically official. I mean, I've been accepted into the program and everything.

Now all I have to do is fill out all the paper work and pay my fees and what not and then I am set.

Boo and a yes.

What the heck are you talking about??? (You may be asking yourself?)

Dude. I am going to spend 4 months (end of April to mid August) in MEXICO teaching little kids good old English.

I am dead serious.

I will be living with a host family, eating their food, speaking Spanish, and getting ridiculously tan. All by myself. All summer long.

Ohhhohohoho YES.

Think about how long I have been moved out as of now, then minus one month. That is how long I will be south of the border.

This is for real.

Is this not absolutely insane?!!?!?!!!!!

6 months from now it will be, "Adios! Have a nice trip, see you next fall!"

I am cool.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Here's the deal with milk in college. We only have one tiny little refrigerator for all 6 of us to use. This fact forces us to share milk because we simply cannot have 6 gallons in there all at once. Trust me, that would NEVER fit. Ever.

To remedy this, we take turns buying 2 gallons of milk at a time, and we put our sharing skills to work.

But this creates another problem. We run out of milk ALL THE TIME. We just go through it way too fast. I swear, we buy it and then the next day we need more.

Another thing about college/refrigerators/milk is that we don't really know how to control our appliances. E.g. We wake up in the morning to find this:

Frozen milk. This pic was taken after it had been sitting on the counter for hours. So you can't even see the full damage that was done.

That just doesn't work for us. We never have enough milk as it is, but if it's frozen, we can't even use what little we have!

In addition to milk, we have seen strawberries, noodles, cottage cheese, yogurt, peppers, celery, and many more foods come frozen out of the fridge. Not pleasant I tell you.

P.S. I'll give you ten points if you can telepathically tell me what my fav part of this pic is.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Le Plante

I hate to prove you right GP, but look:
This poor little plante that you left in my care is slowly but surely dying.

I thought I could successfully raise this little guy to adulthood, but he's not even making out of his toddler stage.

I have tried all I can think of.

I have given it less water, I have given it more. I have kept it in the sun, and out.

I have given it to my mother to revive. I have given it to my roomies to revive.

Even with soothing words and sweet TLC, this plante refuses to live.

I have a theory. I think a bug is killing it. I'm not even joking. That is the only possible explanation.
Do you see that little bug hole? This is murder I tell you.

I'll invite you to the funeral. But I'd rather you didn't come since it was a gift from you to me. That just makes me feel bad.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween Dude

Welcome to room 303. Behind this door you will find activities of the haunted sort.

No, not really. The only Halloweenish activity we did this weekend was make carmeled apples.

And then we ate them of course.


The end.

What the cram. I can't get these pics to sit right. Whatev.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

We are family*

It hit me the other night as I was lying in bed that I LOVE these people. I LOVE my roommates! I'm so lucky to be in a dorm with 5 people that I get along with so well. I love going back home after a long day at school, walking in the door and hearing whoever's home yell "Jeeennnnnnnaaaa!" I love that we all stick around in the evenings and do things as a group. I love how we stand up for each other. I love how I can talk to them about anything and be assured it will never pass from their lips unless I tell them that it can.
I feel bad for the people who don't get along with their roommates, because it definitely happens. That would seriously make my life miserable. My roommates are literally my new family, and like I said before...I LOVE them!
We have a quote wall. Every flippin dorm around here has a quote wall, or some other means of keeping track of funny things that slip out of people's mouths. Do you have a quote wall? Let me share with you some of the delightful things that have graced my ears of late, just for funsies (that's Michelle's term):
"I think I'm gonna be having a party in my bed."
"It'll be cheaper if I just go ahead and kiss him."
"Do you like, blink a lot? Cuz I would."
"Guys, I'm not going to give him a love fern."
"Shut up! Just kidding, don't shut up. I like you."
"Here, let me analy-size your men for you."
As you have probably inferred from the above quotes, there are lots of boy goings-on around here. He likes her but she doesn't like him, she likes him but not his roommate, who likes her. He asked her on a date, was that before or after he asked her on a date? They were just friends, but then he put his arm around her at the concert....
Don't be deterred. It's absolutely NOT drama. You know how much I hate drama. Thankfully, nobody around here is dramatic.
Okay, I've realize that my flow of thought is not flowing so smoothly so I'm going to stop now, for your sake.
Oh PS- I'm forever quoting Lord of the Rings these days. And even though that's basically the only movie I ever quote, everybody just gives me blank stares when I say "What movie is that from?" Except yesterday, Alyse was leaning over to hand me somthing and I said "Reeeaaach!" then, "what movie is that from?"
And Michelle guessed right!
They know me now.
PPS- the spacing isn't working on this thing, so sorry it's just one big mass. You can deal.

Friday, October 29, 2010

I am the Bakestress

I know I have not been posting anything for like a whole month now and it is so sad.

And it's weird. In the summer I could do a post everyday without fail. And I did absolutely nothing the whole time.

But now, I feel like I am always doing something, but I never have anything to say. It's so dumb.

So I have decided to just post something this evening (at the request/demand of GP, of course) and maybe my brain will kick in and I can revive my blog and all will be well and you can all go back to reading my words on a near daily basis and smile about life.

In fact, everyday for the next week I will do a post. Except tomorrow of course, because that is not my day.

Just so you know, I have absolutely NO plans on what I will post about so don't be expecting too much. It may/is nearly guaranteed to bore you.


So, the bakestress. I have been cooking like crazy these days. I never cook and I don't like to, but lately I have been on a roll.

Okay, it's not always cooking. Sometimes it's just making something.

For example:

A little while ago I made scones for my roomies and the neighboring hall residents.

The other day I made fruit dip. That was good.

Last weekend I made oatmeal cookies, and they were delicious. Oh my gosh. I made so many of them, and they were being devoured at the same rate they were coming out of the oven for four batches in a row. The Hybrid seriously ate probably 15.

I also made rolls. But I had extra dough so I made 6 giant rolls/mini loaves of bread. Oh yum.

And today I made crepes for my roomies to enjoy. They were delightful. You should have been there. You have no idea how long I was waiting to make those babies. All I needed was strawberries, but every time I went to the store, they didn't have any. Finally, Wednesday night we went to Walmart and there in the produce section sat the beloved fruit I had been waiting so long for. I almost died. I bought them immediately and spent the next 36 hours waiting for this afternoon to come so I could make my vanilla crepes. They were dang good.

On a less extravagant note, I made pancakes a few times, and put requested add ins such as pecans or chocolate chips. Also, I made scrambled eggs with ham and cheese and toast and milk, just like my mama used to make for me. Mmm mm.

Tomorrow I think I will make maltomeal for breakfast.

Happy eating to all, and to all a good night.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ain't Nothin Wrong With THAT*

This was our last rehearsal before the REAL performance, which unfortunately you don't get to see because I don't know who's got the memory card for that one. But we did better here anyway.

1. Can you believe that I actually keep up with everyone?!

2. I practiced like, 3 times as much as everyone else, which is probably why.

3. In the real thing I wasn't nervous AT ALL.

4. I can now do a successful body roll.

5. I LOVE this song.

6. I'm actually sad it's over!! It was SO fun! And I'm so glad I did it!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Love Bugs

Remember in the summer how it was super hot and we put tin foil on our windows?

Well, it's starting to turn winterish, so we decided to take it down.

Not a good idea. What we found behind it was not pleasant.

We already know that we are living in a bug infested place. Seriously, it's nasty. There are a bunch of dead flies stuck in all our lights and then there are the billion living ones, of course, flying all over the place.

But behind the tinfoil was something I had never before seen:

This fly was sitting toward the top of the window, as dead as can be. Do you realize how weird that is? How can they hold themselves up while they are dead? That is just creepy.

But the one at the bottom of the widow was my fav.

Look at him. Sick.

Please note his little buddy to the right. I guess it's good they didn't die alone.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Yesterday, as you know, I went boating.

It was me, MIA and Washingtion, along with Brett from the mailbox boys and his other roomie we'll call Goliath (he's 6 foot 8!).
After a disappointing humanities class in which I got a sad 5 out of 10 on the quiz (who has the time or patience to read Augustine?) I hurried home and slipped into my swimsuit once again and we went to meet the boys. Goliath drove. He barely even fit into the truck and I was laughing at him the whole time.

We got to the lake and waited for Brett's parents to come back to the dock, then all proceeded to pile in. After we got out of the no-wake zone it was SO cold. I'm never boating in October again.

Ok, so wakeboarding. Brett went first, and since it was his boat he was naturally going to be good. MIA went next and since she does it all the time at home so she was basically amazing. She was jumping all over the place and getting all kinds of air. Then Goliath went and he tried to be humble by saying that "he could at least get up" but then he gets out there and tears it up. Washington went next and because she's never been before she never actually got up. But she made several valiant attempts.

And then there was one. Me. It was like, 5:3o by now and the sun was about to set. All the wetsuits had been used and thus they were all soaked. I squeezed into the one MIA wore, buckled on the gloves, and a life-jacket, and spent a good ten minutes trying to get my feet strapped into the board. Then I slid into the water and basically died of coldness. It was SOO cold!!!! I was absolutely miserable and I knew I would suck.

So, the boat starts trailing along, I yell "Ok!", Brett's mom hits the gas and I'm up! But only for like 2 seconds. But still. I was up on my first try, which is a big deal, or so I'm told. My feet had slipped out of the boots though so I had to get back on the boat and get strapped back in. I got back in the water and it all went downhill from there. I was overthinking it, mostly because there is SO MUCH TO THINK ABOUT. Keep your knees bent, lean back, don't turn the board till your up, don't let the boat pull you forward, keep your feet parallel...all while trying to look graceful.
Yeah...that didn't work out. I am basically the most ungraceful wakeboarding-attempter to float on Utah Lake. I tried about 5 more times, but I just couldn't get. I was really hoping that I would be one of those people who's just instantly amazing. Mmm. No.

So finally I gave up, but I was exhausted and my thighs were killing me. I couldn't pull myself back onto the boat, so I just grabbed the metal bar and lay splayed across the wooden platform at the back. Then Goliath picked my up like I weighed nothing and set me on the back seat so I could get my feet out of the boots.

The whole ride back to shore I spent kneeling between the front seats with a towel over my head. And when we were docking the boat, mosquitos were swarming everywhere, except fortunately they seemed to be eating everyone else more than me.
When we finally got going, I sat in the front of the truck next to Goliath. I was laughing my head off the whole way home. He's hilarious...and divinely attractive.

I guess that makes crush #5.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

That girl is fast. And slippery.

Long time no blog.

Dude. Guess where I just got back from.

I'll give you a hint: It involved cowboys.

No, it was not a farm in Idaho.

Hint #2: Country music was ever present.

You got it.

I just went country swing dancing. Is that not the most collegey thing I could do?! You don't know how many young women leaders I have had who met their husbands while country swing dancing in college. Fortunately I was not there to find a mate, and neither was anyone I danced with. So we are all good in that category.

Anyway, as you all know very very well, dancing just does not come naturally to me. In ANY form. Whatsoever. They said, "Oh, it's easy, you just follow the guy. He will swing you around and you just go with it!"

I tried. They were right. There is a lot of flinging. But they were also wrong. It was not easy. And I could not just follow.

But try I did, and even though I totally suck, it was still fun. And kind of adventurous. But mostly fun. And it was even funner (yes that's a word) to watch the people dance. Wow. They were crazy.

And what the crap. Line dances should be easy right? They just repeat themselves over and over. Well all my roomies could pick up on them, but not me. No way jose. I only got one down and it was so beyond easy that a 5 year old could have picked it up. But it was still fun.

I don't get that. How can you have fun doing something you are so terrible at? I will never know. But no matter.

Here is my deep thought for the day (and at my current blogging rate, for the month):

The other day it occurred to me that I love my life. Seriously, I am having so much fun. I feel like all my life I have been waiting for the next big thing. Always looking to the future. Always waiting, waiting, waiting, you know? And now, for the first time EVER in my whole entire life, I feel like I am actually living in the moment. And I am absolutely loving it. It's almost like I am content. But not like just sit there content. I still have dreams and goals and ambitions, and I am still being productive, but I also live in the now. I really don't think I have ever done this before. It's awesome.

You know what it is? It's that I fit in. I fit in with my life.

I hope everyone has a chance to experience this because it is sweet.

I just feel like me.

Yep, life is good.

The end.

P.S. The title of this post is a direct quote from the guy who lives across the hall from us and is a for real member of the country swing dance club thing. When he said that, I about died of laughter. Slippery. Ha!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


The other night I dreamed that the bishop ordered everyone in my BYU ward to get married. He assigned all the girls to a husband, and since in my ward, the ratio is 2 girls for every boy, we had to be polygamists. To my utter dismay, UK and I were both assigned to Craig. Before the ceremony took place, UK squeezed into a pair of gray skinny jeans and red heels and applied a thick layer of cherry red lipstick in front of the mirror.

"Are you trying to make him like you better than me?" I asked sourly.

"You have to look good on your wedding day," she replied with a shrug.

We trudged down into this big grassy field, UK all dressed up and me in a big t-shirt and jeans, where everyone and their future spouse(s) were assembled waiting to tie the knot(s).

When everyone had arrived, the bishop asked Craig to say the opening prayer, which went something like this:

"Dear Heavenly Father,
We're grateful for this beautiful day and that we can all..."

Then he opened his eyes and threw his arms in the air and shouted,
"I'm not doing this! This is wrong and I won't stand for it!"

Then we all cheered and ran away.
Everyone was so glad, except UK.

And then I woke up,
so relieved that in real life I don't have to share my future husband with anyone.

Friday, October 1, 2010

I Believe That We Will Win

Dear GP,


Here is a list of things I loved about the game that just finished.

1. It was USU vs. BYU, me vs. you, I vs. thee.
2. BYU was all white guys.
3. USU was all black guys.

And my personal fav. #4:


That's right. Check this out.

I'm sorry, GP, but you may have chosen the wrong school.

As a final tribute to us killing the cougs I will now sing my school's stellar song:

Show me the Scottsman who doesn't love the thistle,
Show me the Englishman who doesn't love the rose,
Show me the true blooded Aggie from Utah,
Who doesn't love the spot (boom boom)
Where the sage brush GROOOOOOOWWWWWSSSS!!!!!

Boo and a ya.

I hope you had fun with the kidlets while I watched the game.

AHHH!!! I love this.



It's October Yo

Guess what.

Here it is, 1:28 am.

I am up.

2 of my roomies are with me.

We are partyin hardyin yo.

I just thought you'd like to know.

In case you care what I do every single day without end.

Cuz this is it.

I'm gangsta yo.

Seriously, we just practiced fake stabbing each other for like 20 minutes. And we were using a real knife.

Now we are being cops with some sweet shades.

This is the life, I tell ya.

I don't even remember the last time I went to bed before midnight.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Care about Curls Campaign*

My roommates don't appreciate when I find a perfect curl in my hair.
And I don't even have a camera to show you all the perfect curls that made an appearance in my hair today.
But I know YOU can appreciate them, or at least try to appreciate them as much as you can from 125 miles away.

That makes it a little better.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kiss Me Baby One More Time

Thoughts from Thursday on My Love Life

H2O and I went to the toy store today for a class of mine. It was the cutest thing. There were marbles and train sets and stuffed animals galore.

At the back corner of the store there were a few little quarter game machine things. There was one that you could shake Uncle Sam's hand and he would tell you what kind of hand shaker you are. And there was a freaky devil palm reading one.

And then there was the Love Tester.

Now, how can you blame me when the words under the title said, "See how well you rate."

You just can't blame me, I tell you. No doubt every person reading this blog would have gladly put a quarter in the machine for a love rating box like that.

Immediately after seeing this game, I knew it was for me. So I begged and begged H2O to donate a quarter to this worthy cause but twas all in vain.

Then I dug through my minuscule purse for like 5 whole minutes looking for a blasted 25 cent piece.

In the end, I came up with two dimes and five pennies.

The wonderful toy store worker joyfully traded me for a quarter, and I was back at the machine, ready for action.

I put my quarter in the designated slot.

I pushed the tray thing in, feeding it my money, and activating my love testing fate giver.

I squeezed the palm thing so it could get a good feel of the romantic me.

The light went up and down the machine, each time passing words such as wild, hot stuff, and sexy.

Which one would it land on! Which one would be me!

I held my breath.

The light stopped.

I looked to the right to behold my romantic destiny.


No. No, in fact it was serious for crap's sake.

I said a mild expletive in my head and gave the machine a good punch.

Last time I pay a quarter for a worthless machine to tell me that.

As I stomped out of the store in a mad rage, I heard Britney Spears singing to me in my head. And no, it was not kiss me.

It was, "HIT me baby one more time!"

At least I'm not clammy.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Heart These Cookie Bars

I am thoroughly addicted.

Ohhhhhhh YUM.

Please send me these delectable morsels any time that fits your fancy.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hi. Nice to meet you. Will you marry me?

We had our first "normal" day of church for the semester on Sunday. By normal, I mean we met at our normal time, with just our ward, doing all the normal classes, with people my age teaching, and not fasting.

Let me enlighten you on what a singles ward is like.

They are trying to marry you off.

It's true.

And it's awkward.

First talk of the first normal Sunday. Guess what it was on. Marriage.

I feel bad for the girl who had to give it.

Second talk: Ward unity.

Third talk: Marriage. No lie.

What the crap! The MAJORITY of us are freshmen and the two who aren't are ALREADY ENGAGED. One couple just got engaged last week.

Give us a break! We just graduated high school. Let us live a little. Please.

So I was pretty much disturbed and I think I will never go back.

Jk jk, I would never go inactive.


But it's also disturbing that within a week - A WEEK - of being up here, there were already couples being bf/gf. How can you be like that with someone you just found out existed 6 days ago?!

I guess there is good reason for giving us these marriage talks after all.

Monday, September 20, 2010


That is how much I just paid to wash a dry this pile of whites.

And when I say "just" I mean just.


Thus is the life of a college student.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Not boys, not men, but FRESHMEN*

Guess who texted me this morning asking me to go slip-and-sliding with HIM? You guessed it. I'm glad he didn't take our awkward/humiliating encounter at the Creamery too seriously.

Boys are all over my life these days. It's unnatural.

Like last night, while I was in the midst of watching the latest episode of Teen Mom, one of the mailbox boys (I'll explain that to you later, or did I already?) called up Cali and asked her if we (the rest of us roommates) wanted to go to the Humor U movie montage. But we had to decline, because guess why?

We already had some boys scheduled (tehe) to come over and grace us with their presence. But we invited Brett and the mailbox boys to come over for a little bit anyway and make brownies. Of course, I ended up doing the majority of the brownie making, and then they had to leave before they were even done. A few minutes after they left, Texas' friend's (*boy*) friends came over and the 3 of them ended up eating the brownies that were meant for the other mailbox boys. Then I went back to my room and attempted to finish my show.
Mmmm....didn't happen.

At about 11 the mailbox boys came back and split the 2 measly brownies left for the 4 of them. We talked and displayed awkward dance moves and then went outside to play smurf and ghost in the graveyard. When we got tired of those games, Texas' friend's friends left and we and the mailbox boys, plus one really annoying girl who'd managed to infiltrate our fun, descended into the basement and played signs until 1:30 a.m., until the R.A. kicked us out. The boys went home and all us roomies went back to our dorm. My show ended at 2:30 this morning. We all slept in til 10:30.


This is insane.
Since when did I hang out with boys?

We need to talk.

WHOA. We need a follow up on that one!
Best Saturday of my life!

-Slip and slide down a giant tarp on a giant hill will dozens of good lookin boys and only a few girls -Mud puddle at the bottom which when fallen into made you look really sexy.
-Swimming (3 boys and 4 girls, two of which you would know from Lehi), but I mainly played around with....uh....we'll call him Zona, the creamery boy.
-Triple chicken fight, which was awesome. Then we all laid out on the cement and Zona took notice of my curly hair and said he likes it.
Ok, you know what's lame? That your whole family is reading into my personal life. So I'm going to stop and I'll just have to talk about it with you later.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Do you remember me?

By far, my fav class is FCHD 1500. Aka: Human Development Across the Lifespan. It is so me. I have no problem being attentive and sincerely interested in the whole class every time. It is mostly a review of stuff I learned in Psychology last year, but I still love it. I also love reading the textbook. I am a nerd.

The other day I was reading this textbook of which we speak and it was talking about the brain. It said that the brain has a specific area meant just for faces that allows it to pick up on the tiny details and that is why you can recognize old friends you have not seen in a decade.

I have had personal experience to attest to this.

One day I was in the student center looking at a booth when I heard, "Brittan?"

And I looked over to see a girl standing next to me.

It took me a sec. I said, "You're. . . {insert correct name here}."

We hadn't seen each other since 2nd grade. 2nd grade! Do you realize how young that is? I had barely turned 7 the last time we saw each other. Now, more than a decade later, and all grown up, we still recognized each other and remembered each others' names. And we weren't even best friends.

Then one day I was walking past the library and I saw my friend from my old house. Last time I saw her was the beginning of 6th grade. I knew immediately who she was. But I didn't see her until right when we were passing. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around. But for some reason, which I regret now, I didn't call out to her. I just watched her walk away. Then I turned back around and continued on my way.

Seriously, that was dumb of me. A couple months ago, I was thinking about my friends from that school and who I wanted to see again. I even wrote down the people I wanted to see. There were only three. She was one of them. She was one of them and I didn't even talk to her when I had the chance! But the whole thing totally caught me off guard because she was the last person on Earth I expected to see. So next time, I will be prepared. Trust me.

Yesterday, I was sitting in Stats as usual, when in walks another of my friends from that time in my life. She sat a couple rows in front of me. I had learned my lesson from last time, so at the end of class I went over to her.

"What is your name?" I inquired.

"{insert name here, keeping up with the semi-annonymity of this web log}"

I knew it.

And then we talked for a bit. It was a delight. I asked her if she came up with anyone and she said, "Do you remember {girl by the library}? She's up here. We don't live together, but we just both came to school here."

I said, "Oh ya, I saw her. I didn't talk to her or anything, though."

And then we bid adieu. But I have so much to talk to her about. I want to hear all the details of her life since I moved away. And about everyone else's lives too, of course.

I just love that. People still live even when they are not in your life anymore. All my elementary friends grew up, just like me. I still picture them as little twigs with frizzy hair and thin rimmed glasses, but really, they are big kids now. Adults, in fact. And I love when I come upon them.

Now, GP, speaking of growing up. All today, as I have seen myself in various mirrors, I have thought to myself that I have grown up. I don't know why. I see myself in the mirror every single day, obviously, but today I just noticed that I am a little more grown-up than I used to be.

And then I remembered what you said when you came to visit me. You said I grew up. You were right.

Now that you have moved out and become a real college woman, I would like to see you again. Because I bet you grew up, too.

That is kind of sad. But kind of sweet at the same time. I bet our grown-up selves will be great friends.

Until next time, then.